SharePoint 2013 – Workflow Manager 1.0 offline download


Problem: There is no direct download to the Workflow manager and required components that need to Install and Configure Workflow Manager 1.o with SharePoint 2013.

If the server have internet connection “Web Platform Installer” does the job for you. This is good for quick setup of development environment but what if we want to setup on a server that don’t have internet connection. Also for consistent builds (Dev/QA/production) we need to download and install the same software across all the environments.

Solution: Below steps provide how to download the required Workflow Manager 1.0 components.

Here is the instructions from Microsoft link :

(Note: Please do not confuse with the below Microsoft link to download Workflow manager 1.0, again this is not full version).

Step 1: Logon to the machine where you have internet connection and down load the web platform installer “WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi” from here

Step 2: Extract the files from “WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi” to a folder. There are different ways to extract files from msi. below is the example using msiexec utilty.

Open Command prompt or powershell run as administrator and enter the below command:

msiexec /a <msi location with folder path> /qb TARETDIR = <folder location where the files needs to be extracted>


msiexec /a C:\SharePoint\SP2013\Tools\WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\

It will extract the folder structure as below.

Required “WebpiCmd.exe” available under <above target location>/Microsoft/Web Platform Installer

Step 3: Download Workflow Manager components using WebpiCmd.exe

In the command prompt or powershell

webpicmd.exe /offline /Products:WorkflowManager /Path:<folder directory to download>

