-- 创建表:
-- 数据类型:int,date,varchar(size),[ decimal(5,2),小数点后两位]
格式:create table tableName
columnName datatype,
columnName datatype,
格式 : create table tableName
subquery;或者在subquery后加(where 1=2),表示只保留格式
创建表实例: create table supermarket
market_id int,
market_name varchar(50),
address varchar(200),
contact varchar(15),
manager int
拷贝表实例:create table supermarkets_copy
select *
from supermarkets;
-- 修改表:alter
-- 修改表名
格式: alter table tableName
rename to new_tableName;
实例: alter table supermarket
rename to supermarkets;
-- 添加列
格式 : alter table tableName
add columnName defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];
alter table tableName
add columnName defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
add columnName defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
实例: alter table supermarkets
add kind int;
-- 修改列
-- 修改列名
格式: alter table tableName
change column old_name new_name defined;
实例: alter table supermarkets
change kind category varchar(10);
-- 修改列定义
格式: alter table tableName
modify columnName new_defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];
alter table tableName
modify columnName new_defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
modify columnName new_defined [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
实例: alter table supermarkets
modify category int;
-- 删除列
格式; alter table tableName
drop column columnName;
实例: alter table supermarkets
drop column category;
-- 删除表
格式: drop table tableName;
格式:delete from tableName; 后面可以加限制条件where1=2或1=1。
-- truncate: 清空表(删除后无法返回上一步)
格式:truncate table tableName;
select * from emp;
-- 创建表上的约束
-- 主键约束:标志行的唯一性,只能有一个,而且不能为空
-- 外键约束:建立两张表的关联关系
-- 唯一约束:标志其唯一性,但数量不限的,可以为空
-- 非空约束:必填项
-- 默认
创建表上的约束, (主键,外键,唯一)约束用add constraint,
格式: alter table tableName
add constraint_defination;
实例: alter table supermarkets
drop primary key;
主键约束: primary key
实例:alter table supermarkets
add constraint pk_market_id primary key(market_id);
唯一约束: unique
实例: alter table supermarkets
add constraint uq_market_name unique(market_name);
外键约束:foreign key
实例: alter table emp
add constraint fk_market_id foreign key (market_id)
references supermarkets(market_id);
两个外键的约束实例: add constraint fk_market_id_customer_id foreign key (market_id,customer_id)
references supermarkets(market_id),customer(customer_id);
delete from supermarkets where market_id = 1; -- 维护数据的完整性
非空约束:not null
实例: alter table supermarkets
modify market_name varchar(50) not null,
modify address varchar(200) not null;
实例: alter table supermarkets
modify market_name varchar(50) not null,
modify address varchar(200) not null default '苏州店';
-- 视图
-- 创建或者更新视图
格式:-- create or replace view viewName
-- as
-- subquery;
实例: create view cust_view
select customer_id,customer_name,address,province,city,sale_employee_id,credit_limit
from customer;
select *
from cust_view;
实例: create or replace view purchase_view
select `order`.order_number,customer.customer_name,product.product_name,buy_number,format(order_detail.price,2) fmt_price,format(order_detail.total_money,2) fmt_total_money
from `order`
left join order_detail on `order`.order_id = order_detail.order_id
left join customer on `order`.customer_id = customer.customer_id
left join product on order_detail.product_id = product.product_id;
select *
from purchase_view
where order_number = '321154103';
-- 删除视图
格式:-- drop view [if exists] view_name;
实例:drop view if exists cust_view;
-- 现有一个商店的数据库,记录客户及其购物情况,由下面三个表组成:
-- 商品goods(商品号goodsId,商品名goodsName,单价unitprice,商品类别category,供应商provider);
-- 客户customer(客户号customerId,姓名name,地址address,电邮email,性别sex,身份证cardId);
-- 购买purchase(客户号customerId,商品号goodsId,购买数量nums);
-- 请用SQL语言完成下列功能:
-- 1. 建表,在定义中要求声明:
-- (1). 每个表的主外键;
-- (2). 客户的姓名不能为空值;
-- (3). 电邮不能够重复;
-- (4). 客户的性别默认是男;
create table goods
goodsId int not null,
goodsName varchar(50),
unitprice decimal(5,2),
category varchar(30),
provider varchar(30),
constraint pk_goodsId primary key(goodsId)
create table customer
customerId int not null,
name varchar(50),
address varchar(200),
email varchar(20),
sex varchar(6),
cardId varchar(20),
constraint pk_customerId primary key(customerId)
create table purchase
customerId int not null,
goodsId int not null,
nums int,
constraint pk_customerId_goodsId primary key(goodsId,customerId),
constraint fk_customerId foreign key(customerId)
references customer(customerId),
constraint fk_goodsId foreign key(goodsId)
references goods(goodsId)
alter table customer
modify name varchar(50) not null;
-- 约束
-- 主键:primary key
-- 外键:foreign key
-- 唯一:unique
-- 非空:not null
alter table customer
add constraint uq_email unique(email);
alter table customer
modify sex varchar(6) default '男';