NO_ROAD = 1 << 31
class CityNode:
def __init__( self ):
self.m_iDist = 1 << 31
self.m_iParent = 0
self.m_visit = VISIT_WHITE
def init( graph ):
graph[0][1] = 15; graph[0][3] = 2; graph[0][4] = 12
graph[1][2] = 6; graph[2][6] = 9; graph[3][2] = 8;
graph[3][5] = 4; graph[4][6] = 3; graph[5][6] = 10
graph[5][4] = 5; graph[6][1] = 4
def dijkstra( graph, start_pos ):
city_num = len( graph )
INF = 1 << 31
city_arr = [ CityNode() for index in range( city_num ) ]
count = 0
city_arr[start_pos].m_iDist = 0
while count < city_num:
temp_min = INF
next_pos = -1
for index in range( city_num ):
if temp_min > city_arr[index].m_iDist and city_arr[index].m_visit != VISIT_BLACK:
temp_min = city_arr[index].m_iDist
next_pos = index
city_arr[next_pos].m_visit = VISIT_BLACK
for index in range( city_num ):
if graph[next_pos][index] != NO_ROAD and city_arr[index].m_visit != VISIT_BLACK and city_arr[index].m_iDist > city_arr[next_pos].m_iDist + graph[next_pos][index]:
city_arr[index].m_iDist = city_arr[next_pos].m_iDist + graph[next_pos][index]
city_arr[index].m_visit = VISIT_GRAY
count += 1
for index in range( city_num ):
print index, city_arr[index].m_iDist
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
num = 7
graph = [ [ NO_ROAD for col_index in range( num ) ]for raw_index in range( num ) ]
init( graph )
dijkstra( graph, 0 )
Python Dijkstra算法