

翻译补充自:http://rypress.com/tutorials/objective-c/data-types/nsdecimalnumber 感谢乐于分享的大神




float a = 0.01;
int b = 99999999;
double c = 0.0;
c = a*b;
NSLog(@"%f",c); //输出结果为 1000000.000000
NSLog(@"%.2f",c); //输出结果为 1000000.00 //明显不够精确



c = a*(double)b;
NSLog(@"%f",c); //输出结果 999999.967648
NSLog(@"%.2f",c); //输出结果 999999.97 // 明显已经丢失精度


NSString *objA = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", a];
NSString *objB = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", (double)b];
c = [objA doubleValue] * [objB doubleValue];
NSLog(@"%.2f",c); //输出结果 999999.99


NSString *decimalNumberMutiplyWithString(NSString *multiplierValue,NSString *multiplicandValue)
NSDecimalNumber *multiplierNumber = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:multiplierValue];
NSDecimalNumber *multiplicandNumber = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:multiplicandValue];
NSDecimalNumber *product = [multiplicandNumber decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:multiplierNumber];
return [product stringValue];
} NSLog(@"%@",decimalNumberMutiplyWithString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",a], [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",b])); //输出结果 999999.99


The NSDecimalNumber class provides fixed-point arithmetic算法 capabilities功能 to Objective-C programs. They’re designed to perform base-10 calculations without loss of precision精度 and with predictable可预测的 rounding凑整 behavior. This makes it a better choice for representing表示 currency货币 than floating-point data types like double. However, the trade-off is that they are more complicated to work with.



Internally, a fixed-point number is expressed as表示为 sign符号 mantissa尾数 x 10^exponent指数. The sign defines whether it’s positive or negative, the mantissa is an unsigned integer representing the significant有意义的 digits有效数字, and the exponent determines where the decimal小数 point falls in the mantissa.


It’s possible to对...是可能的 manually手动地 assemble装配 an NSDecimalNumber from a mantissa, exponent, and sign, but it’s often easier to convert it from a string representation表示. The following snippet片段 creates the value 15.99 using both methods.

NSDecimalNumber *price;
price = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithMantissa:1599
price = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"15.99"];

Like NSNumber, all NSDecimalNumber objects are immutable不可变的, which means you cannot change their value after they’ve been created.



The main job of NSDecimalNumber is to provide fixed-point alternatives可供选择的事物 to C’s native原生 arithmetic operations操作. All five of NSDecimalNumber’s arithmetic methods are demonstrated演示 below在...下.


NSDecimalNumber *price1 = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"15.99"];
NSDecimalNumber *price2 = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"29.99"];
NSDecimalNumber *coupon = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"5.00"];
NSDecimalNumber *discount = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".90"];
NSDecimalNumber *numProducts = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"2.0"];
NSDecimalNumber *subtotal = [price1 decimalNumberByAdding:price2];
NSDecimalNumber *afterCoupon = [subtotal decimalNumberBySubtracting:coupon];
NSDecimalNumber *afterDiscount = [afterCoupon decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:discount];
NSDecimalNumber *average = [afterDiscount decimalNumberByDividingBy:numProducts];
NSDecimalNumber *averageSquared = [average decimalNumberByRaisingToPower:2];
NSLog(@"Subtotal: %@", subtotal); // 45.98
NSLog(@"After coupon: %@", afterCoupon); // 40.98
NSLog((@"After discount: %@"), afterDiscount); // 36.882
NSLog(@"Average price per product: %@", average); // 18.441
NSLog(@"Average price squared: %@", averageSquared); // 340.070481

Unlike their floating-point counterparts相对物, these operations are guaranteed保证 to be accurate精确. However, you’ll notice that many of the above calculations result in extra decimal places. Depending on the application, this may or may not be desirable (e.g., you might want to constrain约束 currency values to 2 decimal places). This is where custom rounding凑整 behavior comes in.


Rounding Behavior

// Rounding policies :
// Original
// value 1.2 1.21 1.25 1.35 1.27
// Plain 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3
// Down 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2
// Up 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3
// Bankers 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.3

Each of the above arithmetic methods have an alternate替换物 withBehavior: form that let you define how the operation rounds the resulting value. The NSDecimalNumberHandler class encapsulates封装 a particular多有的,特别的 rounding behavior and can be instantiated as follows:

NSDecimalNumberHandler *roundUp = [NSDecimalNumberHandler

The NSRoundUp argument属性 makes all operations round up to the nearest place. Other rounding options选项 are NSRoundPlain, NSRoundDown, and NSRoundBankers, all of which are defined by NSRoundingMode. The scale: parameter参数 defines the number of decimal places the resulting value should have, and the rest of其余的 the parameters参数 define the exception-handling behavior of any operations. In this case, NSDecimalNumber will only raise an exception if you try to divide by zero.

NSRoundUp属性使所有的操作算到最近的位置,其他的进位选项是NSRoundPlain, NSRoundDown, 和 NSRoundBankers,它们都被定义在NSRoundingMode,scale参数定义了结果值保留的小数位的数量,其余的参数给所有的操作定义了异常处理行为,这这个例子中,NSDecimalNumber将只捕获一个异常,如果你尝试除0.

This rounding behavior can then be passed to the decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:withBehavior: method (or any of the other arithmetic methods), as shown below.

NSDecimalNumber *subtotal = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"40.98"];
NSDecimalNumber *discount = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".90"];
NSDecimalNumber *total = [subtotal decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:discount
NSLog(@"Rounded total: %@", total);

Now, instead of 36.882, the total gets rounded up to two decimal points, resulting in 36.89.


Comparing NSDecimalNumbers

Like NSNumber, NSDecimalNumber objects should use the compare: method instead of the native inequality不等 operators. Again, this ensures that values are compared, even if they are stored存储于 in different instances. For example:

像NSNumber, NSDecimalNumber对象应该用compare:方法代替原生的不等式操作,此外,这确保了值被比较,即使他们存储于不通的实例中,例如
NSDecimalNumber*discount1 = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".85"];

NSDecimalNumber*discount2 = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".9"];

NSComparisonResult result = [discount1 compare:discount2];

if (result ==NSOrderedAscending) {

	 NSLog(@"85%% < 90%%小于");

} else if (result == NSOrderedSame) {

	 NSLog(@"85%% == 90%%等于");

} else if (result ==NSOrderedDescending) {

 	NSLog(@"85%% > 90%%大于");


NSDecimalNumber also inherits继承 the isEqualToNumber: method from NSNumber.


Decimal Numbers in C

For most practical实用 purposes目的, the NSDecimalNumber class should satisfy满足 your fixed-point needs; however, it’s worth noting that there is also a function-based alternative available可用 in pure C. This provides increased efficiency效率 over the OOP interface discussed above and is thus preferred优先选择 for high-performance性能 applications dealing with处理 a large number of calculations.



Instead of an NSDecimalNumber object, the C interface is built around the NSDecimal struct. Unfortunately, the Foundation Framework doesn’t make it easy to create an NSDecimal from scratch. You need to generate生成 one from a full-fledged成熟的 NSDecimalNumber using its decimalValue method. There is a corresponding相应的 factory工厂 method, also shown below.

代替NSDecimalNumber对象,C实例创建了一个NSDecimal结构体,不幸的,Foundation Framework没有使它很容易的创建从scratch,你需要去生成一个从一个成熟的NSDecimalNumber用它的decimalValue方法,它是一个相应的工厂方法,也被展示如下
NSDecimalNumber *price = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"15.99"];
NSDecimal asStruct = [price decimalValue];
NSDecimalNumber *asNewObject = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal:asStruct];

This isn’t exactly准确的 an ideal 理想 way to create NSDecimal’s, but once you have a struct representation of your initial初始 values, you can stick to坚持 the functional API presented below. All of these functions use struct’s as inputs and outputs.


Arithmetic Functions

In lieu of代替 the arithmetic methods of NSDecimalNumber, the C interface uses functions like NSDecimalAdd(), NSDecimalSubtract(), etc. Instead of returning the result, these functions populate填入 the first argument with the calculated value. This makes it possible to reuse an existing NSDecimal in several operations and avoid allocating分配 unnecessary structs just to hold intermediary媒介 values.

代替计算方法的是NSDecimalNumber,C的接口用函数像NSDecimalAdd(), NSDecimalSubtract()等.代替结果的返回值,这个函数填入了第一个参数用一个可计算的值,这使它可以重用一个存在的NSDecimal在几个操作,避免分配不必要的结构体仅仅是为了保存媒介值

For example, the following snippet片段 uses a single result variable across 5 function calls. Compare this to the Arithmetic section, which created a new NSDecimalNumber object for each calculation.

NSDecimal price1 = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"15.99"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal price2 = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"29.99"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal coupon = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"5.00"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal discount = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".90"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal numProducts = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"2.0"] decimalValue]
NSLocale *locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
NSDecimal result;
NSDecimalAdd(&result, &price1, &price2, NSRoundUp);
NSLog(@"Subtotal: %@", NSDecimalString(&result, locale));
NSDecimalSubtract(&result, &result, &coupon, NSRoundUp);
NSLog(@"After coupon: %@", NSDecimalString(&result, locale));
NSDecimalMultiply(&result, &result, &discount, NSRoundUp);
NSLog(@"After discount: %@", NSDecimalString(&result, locale));
NSDecimalDivide(&result, &result, &numProducts, NSRoundUp);
NSLog(@"Average price per product: %@", NSDecimalString(&result, locale));
NSDecimalPower(&result, &result, 2, NSRoundUp);
NSLog(@"Average price squared: %@", NSDecimalString(&result, locale));

Notice that these functions accept references to NSDecimal structs, which is why we need to use the reference operator (&) instead of passing them directly. Also note that rounding is an inherent固有的,与生俱来的 part of each operation—it’s not encapsulated in a separate分开 entity单独实体 like NSDecimalNumberHandler.


The NSLocale instance defines the formatting格式化 of NSDecimalString(), and is discussed讨论 more thoroughly彻底 in the Dates module.


Error Checking

Unlike their OOP counterparts相对物, the arithmetic functions don’t raise exceptions when a calculation error occurs发生. Instead, they follow the common C pattern of using the return value to indicate表明,象征 success or failure. All of the above上文的 functions return an NSCalculationError, which defines what kind of error occurred. The potential可能的 scenarios情景 are demonstrated演示 below.

NSDecimal a = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"1.0"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal b = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"0.0"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal result;
NSCalculationError success = NSDecimalDivide(&result, &a, &b, NSRoundPlain);
switch (success) {
case NSCalculationNoError:
NSLog(@"Operation successful");
case NSCalculationLossOfPrecision:
NSLog(@"Error: Operation resulted in loss of precision");
case NSCalculationUnderflow:
NSLog(@"Error: Operation resulted in underflow");
case NSCalculationOverflow:
NSLog(@"Error: Operation resulted in overflow");
case NSCalculationDivideByZero:
NSLog(@"Error: Tried to divide by zero");

Comparing NSDecimals

Comparing NSDecimal’s works exactly正是 like the OOP interface, except you use the NSDecimalCompare() function:

NSDecimal discount1 = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".85"] decimalValue];
NSDecimal discount2 = [[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@".9"] decimalValue];
NSComparisonResult result = NSDecimalCompare(&discount1, &discount2);
if (result == NSOrderedAscending) {
NSLog(@"85%% < 90%%");
} else if (result == NSOrderedSame) {
NSLog(@"85%% == 90%%");
} else if (result == NSOrderedDescending) {
NSLog(@"85%% > 90%%");




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