spark 按照key 分组 然后统计每个key对应的最大、最小、平均值思路——使用groupby,或者reduceby

spark 按照key 分组 然后统计每个key对应的最大、最小、平均值思路——使用groupby,或者reduceby
What you're getting back is an object which allows you to iterate over the results. You can turn the results of groupByKey into a list by calling list() on the values, e.g.

example = sc.parallelize([(0, u'D'), (0, u'D'), (1, u'E'), (2, u'F')])

# Gives [(0, <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable object ......]

example.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1]))).collect()
# Gives [(0, [u'D', u'D']), (1, [u'E']), (2, [u'F'])]

# OR:
spark 按照key 分组 然后统计每个key对应的最大、最小、平均值思路——使用groupby,或者reduceby
spark 按照key 分组 然后统计每个key对应的最大、最小、平均值思路——使用groupby,或者reduceby
Hey Ron, 

It was pretty much exactly as Sean had depicted. I just needed to provide
count an anonymous function to tell it which elements to count. Since I
wanted to count them all, the function is simply "true".

        val grouped = rdd.groupByKey().mapValues { mcs =>
          val values =
          val n = values.count(x => true)
          val sum = values.sum
          val sumSquares = => x * x).sum
          val stddev = math.sqrt(n * sumSquares - sum * sum) / n
          print("stddev: " + stddev)

I hope that helps
spark 按照key 分组 然后统计每个key对应的最大、最小、平均值思路——使用groupby,或者reduceby



Just don't. Use reduce by key: x: (x[1][0:4], (x[0], float(x[3])))).map(lambda x: (x, x)) \
    .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: (
        min(x[0], y[0], key=lambda x: x[1]), 
        max(x[1], y[1], , key=lambda x: x[1])))



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