

提示一:systables 存放Informix数据库中所有数据表相关数据

提示二:sysconstraints 存放Informix数据库中所有约束相关数据

select a.tabname,b.constrname,b.* from systables a  join sysconstraints b on a.tabid=b.tabid   where a.tabid >99 and a.tabtype='T' and b.constrtype ='P' order by a.tabname
Select * from systables a where tabid >99 and tabtype='T' and not exists (Select 1 from sysconstraints b where a.tabid=b.tabid and b.constrtype ='P');

select a.tabname,b.constrname from systables a  join sysconstraints b on a.tabid=b.tabid   where a.tabid >99 and a.tabtype='T' and b.constrtype ='R' order by a.tabname
Select * from systables a where tabid >99 and tabtype='T' and not exists (Select 1 from sysconstraints b where a.tabid=b.tabid and b.constrtype ='R');

select a.tabname,b.constrname from systables a  join sysconstraints b on a.tabid=b.tabid   where a.tabid >99 and a.tabtype='T' and b.constrtype ='C' order by a.tabname
Select * from systables a where tabid >99 and tabtype='T' and not exists (Select 1 from sysconstraints b where a.tabid=b.tabid and b.constrtype ='C');

select a.tabname,b.constrname from systables a  join sysconstraints b on a.tabid=b.tabid   where a.tabid >99 and a.tabtype='T' and b.constrtype ='U' order by a.tabname
Select * from systables a where tabid >99 and tabtype='T' and not exists (Select 1 from sysconstraints b where a.tabid=b.tabid and b.constrtype ='U');

select a.tabname,b.constrname from systables a  join sysconstraints b on a.tabid=b.tabid   where a.tabid >99 and a.tabtype='T' and b.constrtype ='N' order by a.tabname
Select * from systables a where tabid >99 and tabtype='T' and not exists (Select 1 from sysconstraints b where a.tabid=b.tabid and b.constrtype ='N');

上一篇:docker-compose(grafana influxdb) + telegraf 快速搭建简单监控

下一篇:get() got an unexpected keyword argument