json 模块


JSON-JSON (JavaScript 对象标记)  编码/解码


 use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json.

##简单和快速接口(期望/生产 UTF-8)

 $utf8_encoded_json_text = encode_json $perl_hash_or_arrayref;

 $perl_hash_or_arrayref  = decode_json $utf8_encoded_json_text;


 $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;

 $json_text   = $json->encode( $perl_scalar );
$perl_scalar = $json->decode( $json_text ); $pretty_printed = $json->pretty->encode( $perl_scalar ); # pretty-printing 生产json 格式: [root@dr-mysql01 ~]# cat a3.pl
use JSON qw/encode_json decode_json/;
my $data = [
'name' => '灰灰',
'age' => 19
'name' => '丽丽',
'age' => 25
]; my $json_out = encode_json($data);
print $json_out;
print "\n";
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@dr-mysql01 ~]# perl a3.pl
[{"age":19,"name":"灰灰"},{"name":"丽丽","age":25}] [root@dr-mysql01 ~]# cat a3.pl
use JSON qw/encode_json decode_json/;
use Encode; my $data = [
'name' => '灰灰',
'age' => 19
'name' => '丽丽',
'age' => 25
]; $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; $json_out = $json->encode( $data ); print $json_out;
print "\n";
[root@dr-mysql01 ~]# perl a3.pl
[{"age":19,"name":"灰灰"},{"name":"丽丽","age":25}] encode_json: $json_text = encode_json $perl_scalar 转换给定的perl 数据结构为一个UTF-8 encoded,binary 字符串: $json_text = JSON->new->utf8->encode($perl_scalar) decode_json $perl_scalar = decode_json $json_text 与encode_json 相反,期望一个UTF-8(2进制的)字符串和尝试 解析一个UTF-8 encoded JSON 文本, 返回一个结果引用
上一篇:[SQL Server 系] T-SQL数据库的创建与修改

下一篇:mysql出现Got error 28 from storage engine错误