EXTJS 4.2 资料 控件之Grid 添加行,编辑行,删除行

Ext.define("SiteVariableConfigValue", {
extend: "Ext.data.Model",
fields: [
{ name: 'SVCValueId', type: 'int', sortable: true },
{ name: 'SVCId', type: 'string', sortable: true },
{ name: 'KeyInItem', type: 'string', sortable: true },
{ name: 'ValueInItem', type: 'string', sortable: true }
}); var storeSiteVariableConfigValue = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: 'SiteVariableConfigValue',//这个地方CarAccessoriesType不是一个对象,而是一个类
pageSize: limit, //页容量20条数据
//是否在服务端排序 (true的话,在客户端就不能排序)
remoteSort: false,
remoteFilter: true,
method: 'POST',
proxy: {//代理
type: 'ajax',
url: '/UI/HttpHandlerData/InformationManagement/InformationManagement.ashx?operation=SearchInfoCollection1',
extraParams: {
start: start,
limit: limit
reader: { //这里的reader为数据存储组织的地方,下面的配置是为json格式的数据,例如:[{"total":50,"rows":[{"a":"3","b":"4"}]}]//读取器
type: 'json', //返回数据类型为json格式
root: 'Table', //根节点
totalProperty: 'result' //数据总条数
sorters: [{
property: 'SVCValueId',
//排序类型,默认为 ASC
direction: 'desc'
autoLoad: true //即时加载数据
}); var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {
clicksToMoveEditor: 1,
autoCancel: false
}); var gridSiteVariableConfigValue = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
store: storeSiteVariableConfigValue,
autoWidth: true,
aotuHeight: true,
animCollapse: false,
enableColumnMove: false,
enableHdMenu: false,
loadMask: true,
loadMask: {
msg: '正在载入数据,请稍候...'
viewConfig: {
forceFit: true,
stripeRows: true
forceFit: true, //列表宽度自适应
stripeRows: true,//斑马线
autoSizeColumns: true, //根据每一列内容的宽度自适应列的大小
trackMouseOver: true, //鼠标移动时高亮显示
selModel: { selType: 'checkboxmodel' }, //选择框
scroll: true,
layout: 'column', // Specifies that the items will now be arranged in columns
columnWidth: 0.60,
plugins: [rowEditing],
columns: [
{ header: '序号', xtype: 'rownumberer', align: 'left', width: 50 },
header: '键', dataIndex: 'KeyInItem', width: 200, editor: {
// xtype: 'textfield'
header: '值', dataIndex: 'ValueInItem', width: 200, editor: {
// xtype: 'textfield'
}, ],
bbar: [{
xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
store: storeSiteVariableConfigValue,
displayMsg: '显示 {0} - {1} 条,共计 {2} 条',
emptyMsg: "没有数据",
beforePageText: "当前页",
afterPageText: "共{0}页",
displayInfo: true
tbar: [{
text: '添加',
icon: '/Resources/Images/16x16_easyui/edit_add.png',
handler: function () {
var r = Ext.create('SiteVariableConfigValue', {
KeyInItem: '这里是键',
ValueInItem: '这里是值'
}); gridSiteVariableConfigValue.getStore().insert(0, r);
rowEditing.startEdit(0, 0);
}, {
text: '删除',
icon: '/Resources/Images/16x16_easyui/edit_remove.png',
handler: function () {
Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Confirm', '确定删除该记录?', function (btn) {
if (btn != 'yes') {
var sm = gridSiteVariableConfigValue.getSelectionModel();
var store = gridSiteVariableConfigValue.getStore();
if (store.getCount() > 0) {
disabled: true

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