Version 28 (intended for Android Pie and below) is the last version of the legacy support library...

Version 28 (intended for Android Pie and below) is the last version of the legacy support library, so we recommend that you migrate to AndroidX libraries when using Android Q and moving forward. The IDE can help with this: Refactor > Migrate to AndroidX 



今天整理代码的时候,发现我的app gradle 出现了上面那句话



Version 28 (intended for Android Pie and below) is the last version of the legacy support library...



选择 Migrate to AndroidX



Version 28 (intended for Android Pie and below) is the last version of the legacy support library...




上一篇:client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;

下一篇:解决支持库版本兼容问题:all libraries must use the exact same version specification