An overview of reboot cycling script.
A top directory called rebooter designed by user
A sub-directory call Reboot
1. Reboot_run.bat =>this is a startup script used for full script copying from current dictionary to c:\reboot
1 @echo off 2 set ROOT_DIR=%~dp0 3 set TOOL_SRC=%ROOT_DIR% 4 set TOOL_DES=C:5 xcopy %TOOL_SRC%\reboot\* %TOOL_DES%\Reboot\ /e /i /y 6 Start %TOOL_DES%\reboot\begin.bat
2. begin.bat => do some
initialization including desired interation inputed by user, startup.bat
registering at
so that this can be boot up while system powering up.
1 @echo off 2 set REG=C:\reboot\Enable_Autorun.reg 3 4 :begin 5 @set /p reboot= How many reboot cycles do you need: 6 if %reboot% LSS 0 (@echo Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0) else (goto :continue) 7 if %reboot% LSS 0 (goto :begin) 8 9 :continue 10 @echo You Have selected it to reboot for %reboot% times >>c:\reboot\reboot.log 11 @echo ------------------------------------------------- >>c:\reboot\reboot.log 12 @echo %reboot% >c:\reboot\counter.txt 13 copy c:\reboot\counter.txt c:\reboot\count.txt /y 14 15 REM REG ADD HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Reboot /t REG_SZ /d c:\reboot\startup.bat 16 regedit /s %REG% 17 echo y | REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 18 call c:\reboot\startup.bat
3. startup.bat => this is main script
used for cycle iteration on invoking fail_result.bat to analyse the logfile each
and make a judgement on whether the disired cycle is reached up,
if so, clearng all log formed inbetween in the course of script execution.
1 set LOG=C:\reboot\reboot.log 2 set CNT=C:\reboot\counter.txt 3 set CNTCOPY=c:\reboot\count.txt 4 set SEC=20 5 6 REM counter counter decrease as rebooting action performing 7 set /p counter=<%CNT% 8 set /a counter=%counter%-1 9 REM count increment for reboot cycling tracking down. 10 set /p count=<%CNTCOPY% 11 set /a count=(%count%-%counter%) 12 echo %counter% >%CNT% 13 14 if %counter% LEQ -1 (goto :cleanup) else (goto :restart) 15 :restart 16 echo waiting for 20 sec for reboot cycling 17 @timeout %SEC% >nul 18 cd /d c:\reboot 19 echo. >> result.txt 20 echo Time stamp at %count% reboots: %date% %time% >>result.txt 21 echo Time stamp at %count% reboots: %date% %time% >>%LOG% 22 devcon.exe status * > devinfo.txt 23 call C:\reboot\fail_result.bat 24 shutdown -r -t 0 -f 25 goto :end 26 :cleanup 27 c:\reboot\cleanup.cmd 28 :end
4. fail_result.bat
1 @echo off 2 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 3 REM devcon.exe status * >devinfo.txt 4 for /f "delims=: tokens=1,*" %%i in (‘findstr /n /c:"Device has a problem" devinfo.txt‘) do ( 5 echo %%j>>result.txt 6 set flag=1 7 set line=%%i 8 call :twoline 9 ) 10 goto :eof 11 12 :twoline 13 set /a line=line-1 14 for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%i in (‘findstr /n .* devinfo.txt‘) do ( 15 if %line% equ %%i ( 16 echo %%j>>result.txt 17 18 if %flag% ==1 ( 19 set flag=0 20 goto :twoline 21 ) else (goto :eof) 22 23 24 ) 25 )
5. cleanup.cmd
1 @echo off 2 3 set REG=C:\reboot\disable_Autorun.reg 4 regedit /s %REG% 5 6 del /q c:\reboot\count.txt 7 del /q c:\reboot\counter.txt 8 9 echo y | REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 10 echo please enter any key to complete cleanup. 11 pause 1>nul
6. Disable_Autorun.reg
1 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 2 3 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] 4 "rebooter"="C:\\reboot"
7. Enable_Autorun.reg
1 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 2 3 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] 4 "Rebooter"="C:\\Reboot\\Startup.bat"
[BATCH] An example of re-booting cycling with traces tracking down