

1. Create the variant dependent strings in your build script

Edit your build.gradle file accordingly:


 //This line allows parameterization via the terminal and the Gradle VM Options
def debugsuffix = System.  
        getProperty('debugsuffix', project.getProperties().get('debugsuffix', null))

def final yourApplicationId = 'your.application.id'

android {  
  //In the defaultConfig and all your product flavors create build dynamic variables

  defaultConfig {
      applicationId = yourApplicationId

    //These are the values for the authorities and account types.
    //Reference them in the java files with e.g. BuildConfig.ACCOUNT_TYPE.

      buildConfigField "String", "ACCOUNT_TYPE", "\"${applicationId}.account\""
      buildConfigField "String", "AUTHORITY", "\"${applicationId}.provider\""

    //Reference them in .xml files.
      resValue "string", "account_type", "${applicationId}.account"
      resValue "string", "authority", "${applicationId}.provider"
  productFlavors {  
    dev {
      applicationId = yourApplicationId + ".dev" + debugsuffix

    //Reference them again so they get overwritten by the flavor.

      buildConfigField "String", "ACCOUNT_TYPE", "\"${applicationId}.account\""
      buildConfigField "String", "AUTHORITY", "\"${applicationId}.provider\""

      resValue "string", "account_type", "${applicationId}.account"
      resValue "string", "authority", "${applicationId}.provider"




2. Refer to them in your Android Manifest

Replace the permissions and provider authorities in yourAndroidManifest.xml with ${applicationId}:


<permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE"  
        android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="${applicationId}.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />

<provider   android:name=".your.provider"  
            … />





3. Refactor your Java source files with the build specific strings

Update every occurrence of static strings for authorities and account types in your source files.



public static final String AUTHORITY = BuildConfig.AUTHORITY;  
public static final String AUCCOUNT_TYPE = BuildConfig.ACCOUNT_TYPE;  






4. Refactor your SyncAdapter resources

Use the resValue in the syncadapter.xml in res/xml:


<sync-adapter android:contentAuthority="@string/authority"  
           … />



Another nice way to use this is utilising the the Jenkins build number as a suffix.

Et voilà, you can now build and install different app versions on a single device. Just make sure to do some heavy testing, as some static strings hide themselves and can break something. During research it turned out that using the pre-build variable applicationIdSuffix does not work properly, as the application ID gets changed after the buildFlavor. Another important thing to mention is that you have to sync the project with gradle files after you changed the Gradle VM options.




