The signal function enables a process to choose one of several ways to handle an interrupt signal from the operating system. The sig argument is the interrupt to which signal responds; it must be one of the following manifest constants, which are defined in SIGNAL.H.
sig value |
Description |
Abnormal termination |
Floating-point error |
Illegal instruction |
CTRL+C signal |
Illegal storage access |
Termination request |
If sig is not one of the above values, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as defined in Parameter Validation . If execution is allowed to continue, this function sets errno to EINVALand returns SIG_ERR.
By default, signal terminates the calling program with exit code 3, regardless of the value of sig.
Example :
int main(void) { typedef void (*SignalHandlerPointer)(int); SignalHandlerPointer previousHandler; previousHandler = signal(SIGABRT, SignalHandler); previousHandler = signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler); previousHandler = signal(SIGTERM, SignalHandler); previousHandler = signal(SIGBREAK, SignalHandler); //abort(); while (1) { Sleep(100); }
void SignalHandler(int signal) { if (signal == SIGABRT) { // abort signal handler code } else { // ... } printf("____ signal: %d \n", signal); }
Send signal