学术写作(Scientifi & Academic Writing in English)

Rather than ‘Count every word’, we should ‘make every word count’. Remove every useless or extra word.

when writing articles in English:

1.Make the strategy of your text clear, not implicit.
2.Refer immediately to all the main items involved.
3.Make your important points clearly and early.
4.Make the text talk about the text itself.

As you revise, focus on the following:

1.Use precise and specific language throughout.
2.Replace general VERBS with more PRECISE VERBS
3.For more FORMALITY.
4.NOT is weaker than structures with no,none,never, and un-/in-/im-/ forms.
5.Avoid series of short, choppy sentences: link some and embed others within their neighbours.
6.Use short sentences for your strongest statements.
7.Eliminate wordiness.少写没用的话
8.Consider converting PASSIVE to ACTIVE VOICE
9.Improve cohesion gradually through END-FOCUS.

Remember: Focus and Link

\quad Start all of your writing with a fast, disorganised rough draft, because such ‘bad’ texts are the
easiest to improve by means of passive-to-active voice changes, end focus, and linkage.

  • Find the most vital, novel word in the sentence, the one revealing the newest information.
  • After this word, put a period (full-stop).
  • Move all the words following this end focus word to the left. Often the best place to insert words is after a ‘that’ or ‘which,’ .


\quad Although the title is the first part of the research paper that will be read, it is often the last to be
written. Swales & Feak (1994) suggest that the research paper title should:

  • Indicate the topic of the study.
  • Indicate the scope of the study (i.e., neither overstating nor understating its importance).
  • Be self-explanatory to readers in the chosen area.
    Notice: avoid abbreviations in titles unless they are known to the general public.


\quad Editors often now require a declaration of participation stating each author’s contribution. You must
thus be able to justify the actual contribution of every author listed: Original idea? Planning? Data
collection? Statistics?
more details, check jornal formats.


\quad According to Professor Lilleyman (Hall, 2003) an abstract should reveal:
− ‘why what was done was done
− what was done
− what was found
− what was concluded.’

上一篇:Hadoop MapReduce概念学习系列之MapReduce 资源组织方式(六)
