Matlab fi Fixed-point numeric object 函数

      a = fi
      a = fi(v)
      a = fi(v, s)
      a = fi(v, s, w)
      a = fi(v, s, w, f)
      a = fi(v, s, w, slope, bias)
      a = fi(v, s, w, slopeadjustmentfactor, fixedexponent, bias)
      a = fi(v, T)
      a = fi(v, T, F)
      a = fi(v, F)
      a = fi(v, s, F)
      a = fi(v, s, w, F)
      a = fi(v, s, w, f, F)
      a = fi(v, s, w, slope, bias, F)
      a = fi(v, s, w, slopeadjustmentfactor, fixedexponent, bias, F) 
      a = fi(..., property1, value1, ...)
      a = fi(property1, value1, ...)
      fi is the default constructor and returns a signed fixed-point object
      with no value, 16-bit word length, and 15-bit fraction length.
      fi(v) returns a signed fixed-point object with value v, 16-bit
      word length, and best-precision fraction length. Best-precision
      is when the fraction length is set automatically to accommodate the
      value v for the given word length.
      fi(v,s) returns a fixed-point object with value v, signed property value s,
      16-bit word length, and best-precision fraction length. s can be 0
      (false) for unsigned or 1 (true) for signed.
      fi(v,s,w) returns a fixed-point object with value v, signed property value s,
      word length w, and best-precision fraction length.
      fi(v,s,w,f) returns a fixed-point object with value v, signed property value
      s, word length w, and fraction length f.
      fi(v,s,w,slope,bias) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      signed property value s, word length w, slope, and bias.
      fi(v,s,w,slopeadjustmentfactor,fixedexponent,bias) returns a
      fixed-point object with value v, signed property value s, word length w,
      slopeadjustmentfactor, fixedexponent, and bias.
      fi(v,T) returns a fixed-point object with value v and
      embedded.numerictype T.
      fi(v,T,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      embedded.numerictype T, and embedded.fimath F.
      fi(v,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v and embedded.fimath F.
      The numerictype is the same as the numerictype of fi(v).  If v is a fi
      object, then the numerictype of v is the same as the numerictype of
      fi(v,s,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      signed property value s, 16-bit wordlength, best-precision fraction length, and 
      embedded.fimath F.
      fi(v,s,w,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      signed property value s, wordlength w, best precision fraction-length and 
      embedded.fimath F.
      fi(v,s,w,f,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      signed property value s, wordlength w, fraction-length f and 
      embedded.fimath F.
      fi(v,s,w,slope,bias,F) returns a fixed-point object with value v,
      signed property value s, wordlength w, slope and bias, and 
      embedded.fimath F.
      fi(v,s,w,slopeadjustmentfactor,fixedexponent,bias,F) returns a 
      fixed-point object with value v, signed property value s, 
      wordlength w, slopeadjustmentfactor, fixedexponent and bias, 
      and embedded.fimath F.
      fi(...'PropertyName',PropertyValue...) and
      fi('PropertyName',PropertyValue...) allow you to set fixed-point
      properties for a fi object by property name/property value pairs.


上一篇:Error querying database. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named 'ItemsCustom' in 'class com.pojo.OrderDetailCustom
