运行环境是python2.6,centos6.3 64位
import mysql_class import cookielib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart import sys,urllib2,string,re,time,smtplib,json def sendsimplemail(content,List,subject): today = time.strftime('%m-%d') msg = MIMEText(content) msg['Subject'] = today + "\t" + subject msg['From'] = 'xxx@xxx.com' try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect(r'') smtp.login('tank', 'tank') smtp.sendmail('xxx@xxx.com', List, msg.as_string()) smtp.close() except Exception, e: print e db=mysql_class.mySqlConn() resall=db.GetFetch("select * from config") for res in resall: tieba_id=str(res[0]) myUrl="http://tieba.baidu.com/p/"+tieba_id minIndex=int(res[1]) lastmail=res[2] firstPattern=re.compile(r'(\?pn=\d+)$') myUrl=re.sub(firstPattern,'',myUrl) try: print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S:',time.localtime(time.time()))) '''count the totalpage''' cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener=urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) response=opener.open(myUrl) myPage=response.read() pagecount=re.compile(r'span class="red">(\d+)</span>') match = pagecount.search(myPage) if match: totalpage=match.group(1) maxIndex=int(totalpage) '''count the mail addr''' for i in range(minIndex,maxIndex+1): index=myUrl.rfind(r'?pn=') if index==-1: myUrl=myUrl+r'?pn='+str(i) else: myUrl=re.sub(firstPattern,r'?pn='+str(i),myUrl) print(myUrl) response=opener.open(myUrl) myPage=response.read() myPage=myPage.decode('GBK') myPage=myPage.replace(r'\r\n','') if i == minIndex: print 'go....' lastmail_content=re.compile(lastmail+r'(.*)') match = lastmail_content.search(myPage) if match: myPage=match.group(1) else: print 'not match' pattern=re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)') result=pattern.findall(myPage) if result is not None: #for email in result: #print email List = [email for email in result] print List file_object = open('/root/bin/tieba/mail_content.txt') content=file_object.read() file_object2 = open('/root/bin/tieba/mail_subject.txt') subject=file_object2.read() sendsimplemail(content,List,subject) else: print("not found") if i == maxIndex: lastmail=result[len(result)-1] sql="UPDATE config SET pn_begin="+str(maxIndex)+",last_mail='"+str(lastmail)+"' WHERE tieba_id="+str(tieba_id) db.Query(sql) db.Close() print('Suceed!!!') except Exception as e: print("something wrong or not new mailer")
import MySQLdb class mySqlConn: """This class is connect to mysql""" def __init__(self, host="xxxxx", user="mail", password="mail123", db="mail"): """Construct function, connect to mysql, and set names utf8""" self.__mqUser__ = user self.__mqPass__ = password self.__mqHost__ = host self.__mqDb__ = db try: self.__conn__ = MySQLdb.Connect(user=self.__mqUser__, passwd=self.__mqPass__, host=self.__mqHost__, db=self.__mqDb__) except: print("Count not connect to MySQL server.") exit(0) self.__cursor__ = self.__conn__.cursor() try: self.__cursor__.execute("set names utf8") except: print("Excute `set names utf8` faild.") exit(0) def Query(self, sql): """ Execute a sql """ try: self.__cursor__.execute(sql) except: print(sql) print("Sql excute faild!") def GetMqCursor(self): """Get Mysql Cursor""" return self.__cursor__ def GetFetchOne(self,sql): """Get fetch row""" self.__cursor__.execute(sql) return self.__cursor__.fetchone() def GetFetch(self,sql): """Get fetch row""" self.__cursor__.execute(sql) return self.__cursor__.fetchall() def Close(self): """Close the mysql connect""" self.__conn__.commit() self.__cursor__.close() self.__conn__.close()
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| tieba_id | varchar(100) | NO | PRI | 1 | |
| pn_begin | int(11) | NO | | 1 | |
| last_mail | varchar(100) | NO | | | |