
import re import pandas as pd import subprocess def split_lines(lines): """分割行内容函数""" return re.split(r'\s+',lines) def data_structuring(read_file): """数据结构化函数""" IP_last_table = [] for line in read_file: split_line = split_lines(line) if len(split_line) ==11 : IP_last_table.append(split_line[:-1]) IP_filter_table = pd.DataFrame(IP_last_table) return IP_filter_table def my_renames(IP_filter_table): """数据帧重命名函数""" columns_renames = { 0:"用户名", 1:"是否ssh连接成功", 2:"登陆的IP地址", 3:"星期", 4:"月份", 5:"几号", 6:"连接时间", 7:"分割符", 8:"断开时间", 9:"连接持续时间" } IP_filter_table.rename(columns=columns_renames,inplace=True) return IP_filter_table def get_blacklisting(IP_filter_table,whilelisting=[]): blacklisting = set(IP_filter_table["登陆的IP地址"]) # print(len(blacklisting)) if len(whilelisting) > 0: for while_ip in whilelisting: blacklisting.discard(while_ip) return blacklisting def block_ip(ip,password): block_ip_cmd = f"echo %s | sudo -S iptables -I INPUT -s {ip} -j DROP" % f'{password}' try: res = subprocess.getoutput(block_ip_cmd) print(f"ip {ip} is already blocked {res}") except Exception as e: print(f"ip {ip} has been blocked ,the error is :\n {e}") return e def unblock_ip(ip,password): block_ip_cmd = f"echo %s | sudo -S iptables -D INPUT -s {ip} -j DROP" % f'{password}' try: res = subprocess.getoutput(block_ip_cmd) print(f"ip {ip} is already unblocked {res}") except Exception as e: print(f"ip {ip} has been unblocked ,the error is :\n {e}") return e def block_ip_logic(lastb_file_path = "IP_lastb_log.log" ,whilelisting=[] ,password='kali'): read_file = open(lastb_file_path).readlines() IP_filter_table = data_structuring(read_file) IP_filter_table = my_renames(IP_filter_table) black_listings = get_blacklisting(IP_filter_table,whilelisting) t = 0 for black_listing in black_listings: try: block_ip(black_listing,password) t += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR : {e}") print(f"A tolat of {t} IPs have been banned this time") def unblock_ip_logic(lastb_file_path = "IP_lastb_log.log" ,blacklisting=[] ,password='kali'): read_file = open(lastb_file_path).readlines() IP_filter_table = data_structuring(read_file) IP_filter_table = my_renames(IP_filter_table) black_listings = get_blacklisting(IP_filter_table,blacklisting) t = 0 for black_listing in black_listings: try: unblock_ip(black_listing,password) t += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR : {e}") print(f"A tolat of {t} IPs have been unbanned this time") if __name__ == '__main__': #block_ip_logic(lastb_file_path = "IP_lastb_log.log",whilelisting=[],password='kali') unblock_ip_logic(lastb_file_path = "IP_lastb_log.log",blacklisting=[],password='kali') # read_file = open("IP_lastb_log.log").readlines() # IP_filter_table = data_structuring(read_file) # IP_filter_table = my_renames(IP_filter_table) # # print(IP_filter_table) # black_listings = get_blacklisting(IP_filter_table,whilelisting=['']) # print(black_listings) # block_ip('','kali') # unblock_ip('','kali')
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