
import time import pyautogui import datetime print('请关注您的分辨率,此程序需要配合thumbs_x_y.txt文件同时使用') print('简介:thumbs_x_y.txt文件') print('此文件为配置文件,内容一共6行') print('前5行为金铲铲内置助手大拇指在你电脑上的x坐标') print('第6行为y坐标,y坐标只有1个,因为5个大拇指都是在同一水平线上的') print('注意:此文件放在和.exe文件同级目录下,没有此文件,程序无法正常运行') # 获取屏幕分辨率(宽高) Size(width=1920, height=1080) screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() welcome = 'Hello 双城之战!您当前屏幕像素宽度:' + str(screen_width) + '屏幕高度:' + str(screen_height) pyautogui.alert(welcome) time.sleep(1) # 获取雷电模拟器 win = pyautogui.getWindowsWithTitle('雷电模拟器') if len(win) > 0: print('找到雷电模拟器窗口了') else: raise BaseException("没有找到雷电模拟器窗口") # 将游戏窗口最大化,使窗口处于最前面 win[0].maximize() win[0].activate() # 校验坐标要有值 定义一个校验函数 def is_valid_number(value): # 检查是否为数字类型(int 或 float)且不是 None return isinstance(value, (int, float)) and value is not None # 检查入参 def check_input_params(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, y): # 校验所有 x 坐标和 y 坐标 if not all(is_valid_number(x) for x in [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]): raise ValueError("所有 x 坐标都必须是数字且不能为空") if not is_valid_number(y): raise ValueError("y 坐标必须是数字且不能为空") # 5个大拇指坐标,x坐标不同,y坐标一样,都是一条水平线上的 thumbs_x_y = ( (x1, y), (x2, y), (x3, y), (x4, y), (x5, y) ) return thumbs_x_y def start(thumbs_x_y): # 记录打印日志时间,设置打印等待日志间隔 now = datetime.datetime.now() init_sec = now.second while True: for index, thumb in enumerate(thumbs_x_y): thumb_color = pyautogui.pixel(thumb[0], thumb[1]) # print(thumb_color[0] > 240, thumb_color[1] > 240, thumb_color[2] > 200) # RGB三色 red = 240 < thumb_color[0] green = 240 < thumb_color[1] blue = 210 < thumb_color[2] # not_white_color 白色背景会影响程序判断,对白色的处理 if thumb_color[0] == 255 and thumb_color[1] == 255 and thumb_color[2] == 255: print('当前屏幕显示背景在5个大拇指的位置有白色,请使用ALT+Tab组合键切出此窗口或关闭程序') time.sleep(2) continue if thumb_color[0] == 245 and thumb_color[1] == 245 and thumb_color[2] == 245: print('当前屏幕显示背景在5个大拇指的位置有杂色,请使用ALT+Tab组合键切出此窗口或关闭程序') time.sleep(2) continue if red and green and blue: print(index, "真的有true,即将点击", thumb[0], thumb[1]) # pyautogui.click(thumb[0], thumb[1]) # 改为模拟键盘按钮 if index == 0: print('按键1') pyautogui.press('1') if index == 1: print('按键2') pyautogui.press('2') if index == 2: print('按键3') pyautogui.press('3') if index == 3: print('按键4') pyautogui.press('4') if index == 4: print('按键5') pyautogui.press('5') # 获取当前时间 now = datetime.datetime.now() # 格式化时间为“时:分:秒” formatted_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") if abs(now.second - init_sec) >= 10: # print("当前时间(时:分:秒):", formatted_time) print("等待中", formatted_time) init_sec = now.second # 用来遍历的 list_6 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # x1 = 720 # x2 = 914 # x3 = 1107 # x4 = 1300 # x5 = 1493 # y坐标 # y = 970 x1 = -1 x2 = -1 x3 = -1 x4 = -1 x5 = -1 y = -1 # 打开文件并逐行读取 with open('thumbs_x_y.txt', 'r') as file: for i, item in enumerate(list_6): line = file.readline() # print(line, end='') # `end=''`用于避免打印额外的换行符 # print('序号:', i, '值:', item) if i == 0: x1 = int(line) if i == 1: x2 = int(line) if i == 2: x3 = int(line) if i == 3: x4 = int(line) if i == 4: x5 = int(line) if i == 5: y = int(line) start(check_input_params(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, y))

下一篇:34 基于单片机的指纹打卡系统-三、程序编程