



select a3.* from (select a2.* from  (select  a1.*, rownum rn1 from (
select t1.table_name, t2.comments from ALL_TABLES t1, ALL_TAB_COMMENTS t2 WHERE t1.table_name = t2.table_name and upper(t1.owner) = upper(?)
) a1) a2 where rn1 <= 10 ) a3 where rn1 >= 1;


select a3.* from (select a2.* from  (select  a1.*, rownum rn1 from (
select t1.table_name, t2.comments from USER_TABLES t1, USER_TAB_COMMENTS t2 WHERE t1.table_name = t2.table_name
) a1) a2 where rn1 <= 10 ) a3 where rn1 >= 1;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type,TABLE_COMMENT from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_schema) = upper(?) and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') t limit 1,10;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_catalog) = upper(?) and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') t limit 10 offset 1;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_schema) = upper(?) and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') t limit 10 offset 1;




select a3.* from (select a2.* from  (select  a1.*, rownum rn1 from (
select t1.view_name, t2.comments from ALL_VIEWS t1, ALL_TAB_COMMENTS t2 WHERE t1.view_name = t2.table_name and upper(t1.owner) = upper(?)
) a1) a2 where rn1 <= 10 ) a3 where rn1 >= 1;


select a3.* from (select a2.* from  (select  a1.*, rownum rn1 from (
select t1.view_name, t2.comments from USER_VIEWS t1, USER_TAB_COMMENTS t2 WHERE t1.view_name = t2.table_name
) a1) a2 where rn1 <= 10 ) a3 where rn1 >= 1;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type,TABLE_COMMENT from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_schema) = upper(?) and table_type = 'VIEW') t limit 1,10;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_catalog) = upper(?) and table_type = 'VIEW') t limit 10 offset 1;


select t.* from (select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where upper(table_schema) = upper(?) and table_type = 'VIEW') t limit 10 offset 1;




select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?) and upper(owner) = upper(?);


select * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?);


select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?) and upper(table_schema) = upper(?);


select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?) and upper(table_catalog) = upper(?);




select * from ALL_IND_COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?) AND upper(index_owner) = upper(?);


select * from USER_IND_COLUMNS where upper(table_name) = upper(?);


select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS where upper(table_name) = upper(?) and upper(table_schema) = upper(?);


select * from pg_indexes t where upper(tablename) = upper(?) and upper(schemaname) = upper(?);


下一篇:Vue 3 中的状态管理:深入探讨 Vuex 和 Pinia 的比较与最佳实践