[翻译]MOSIP 101


Architecture Principles of MOSIP (MOSIP架构原则)

MOSIP Functional Architecture(MOSIP功能架构)

MOSIP Features(MOSIP特点)

MOSIP Modules(MOSIP模块)

MOSIP Logical Architecture(MOSIP逻辑架构)

MOSIP Partners will build on top of our core technology layer

MOSIP Partnership Approach(MOSIP伙伴关系方法)

MOSIP Product Roadmap(MOSIP产品路线图)

MOSIP‘s current structure(MOSIP当前组织架构)

原文下载:MOSIP 101

        Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP) is a robust and secure open source platform for building foundation identity systems. It enables a country to provision unique digital identities for individuals and to authenticate them in a secure way.


  • Platform Approach(平台方法)

    • Open Source (开放源代码)

    • Security and Privacy as key principles (安全和隐私是关键原则)

    • Vendor neutral & standards compliant (供应商中立且符合标准)

  • System Integration (系统集成)

    • Designed for easy integration (专为易于集成而设计)

    • Configuration based approach (基于配置的方法)

    • Roll-out by System Integrator (由系统集成商推出)

  • Multiple Use Cases (多个使用案例)

    • Foundational (基础)

      • Digital ID (数字ID)

      • Private ID (私人ID)

    • Functional (功能的)

      • Food & Social Security (食品和社会保障)

      • Financial Services (金融服务)

      • Refugee Registration (难民登记)

      • Travel ID (旅行ID)

Architecture Principles of MOSIP (MOSIP架构原则)

  • Avoid vendor lock-in (避免供应商锁定)

    • MOSIP must not use proprietary or commercial license frameworks. Where deemed essential, such components must be encapsulated to enable their replacement if necessary(MOSIP不得使用专有或商业许可证框架。在认为必要的情况下,必须对此类部件进行封装,以便在必要时进行更换)

  • Use open standards (使用开放标准)

    • MOSIP must use open standards to expose its functionality to avoid technology lock-in(MOSIP必须使用开放标准来公开其功能以避免技术锁定)

  • Horizontally scalable (横向可扩展)

    • Each MOSIP component must be independently scalable (scale out) to meet varying load requirements(每个MOSIP组件必须能够独立扩展,以满足不同的负载要求)

  • Commodity computing (商品计算)

    • MOSIP must use commodity computing hardware & software to build the platform(MOSIP必须使用商品计算硬件和软件来构建平台)

  • Ensure data privacy(确保数据隐私)

    • Data must be encrypted in-flight and at-rest. All requests must be authenticated and authorized. Privacy of Identity Data is an absolute must in MOSIP. (数据必须在飞行中和静止时进行加密。所有请求都必须经过身份验证和授权。在MOSIP中,身份数据的隐私是绝对必须的)

  • Platform based approach(基于平台的方法)

    • MOSIP must follow platform based approach so that all common features are abstracted as reusable components and frameworks into a common layer(MOSIP必须遵循基于平台的方法,以便将所有通用特性抽象为可重用的组件和框架,形成一个通用层)

  • API approach(API方法)

    • MOSIP must follow API first approach and expose the business functions as RESTful services(MOSIP必须遵循API优先的方法,并将业务功能公开为RESTful服务)

  • Manageability(可管理性)

    • MOSIP must follow the following manageability & monitor ability of every event in the system, testability of every feature of the platform & easy upgrade ability of the platform(MOSIP必须遵循对系统中每个事件的可管理性和监控能力、平台每个功能的可测试性以及平台的易升级能力)

  • Loosely coupled(松耦合)

    • MOSIP components must be loosely coupled so that they can be composed to build the identity solution as per the requirements of a country(MOSIP组件必须松耦合,这样它们才能根据国家的要求组合起来构建身份解决方案)

  • Must support i18n(必须支持国际化)

    • MOSIP must support i18n capability(MOSIP必须支持国际化功能)

  • Fault tolerant(容错)

    • All modules of MOSIP should be resilient such that the solution as a whole is fault tolerant(MOSIP的所有模块都应具有弹性,从而使整个解决方案具有容错性)

  • Extensible(可扩展的)

    • The key sub-systems of MOSIP should be designed for extensibility. For example, if an external system has to be integrated for fingerprint data, it should be easy to do so(MOSIP的关键子系统应进行可扩展性设计。例如,如果必须为指纹数据集成外部系统,那么这样做应该很容易)

MOSIP Functional Architecture(MOSIP功能架构)

MOSIP Features(MOSIP特点)

  • Configurability(可配置性)

    • Easy personalization(轻松个性化)

    • Easy configuration(易于配置)

  • Open Source (开放源代码)

    • Uses open standards(使用开放标准)

    • Open source platform(开源平台)

  • Modular (模块化)

    • Independent & interchangeable modules(独立和可互换的模块)

    • API based implementation(基于API的实现)

  • Secure(安全)

    • Security by design(设计安全性)

    • Secure devices, processes, data storage & data processing(安全的设备、流程、数据存储和数据处理)

  • Scalable(可扩展)

    • Independently scalable components(可独立扩展的组件)

    • Tested for ~100 million population(针对约1亿人口进行测试)

  • Manageability(可管理性)

    • Easy auditing, monitoring, testing and upgrades(易于审核、监控、测试和升级)

  • Private(私有的)

    • Privacy by design(隐私设计)

    • Data as a Service(数据即服务)

MOSIP Modules(MOSIP模块)

  • Pre Registration(预注册)

    • User enable data entry(用户启用数据输入)

    • Appointment booking(预约)

  • Registration(注册)

    • Online or offline mode(在线或离线模式)

    • Fingerprint, Iris & Photo(指纹、虹膜和照片)

    • Field Configurability(字段可配置性)

  • Registration Processor(注册处理器)

    • UIN generation(UIN生成) unique identification number(唯一标识号)

    • Data enrichment(数据丰富)

    • Modular de-duplication engine(模块化重复数据消除引擎)

  • ID Authentication(身份验证)

    • Yes/No answer, demographic, biometric(是/否回答,人口统计,生物特征)

    • eKYC services(eKYC服务) Know Your Customer

    • Tokenization & virtualization, Online & Offline mode(代币化和虚拟化,在线和离线模式)

  • Resident Controlled Privacy(居民隐私保护)

    • Authentication on/off(身份验证打开/关闭)

    • Virtual ID(虚拟ID)

    • Authentication log(身份验证日志)

  • Local/Multi Language Support(本地 / 多语言支持)

  • Notification to residents at various stages(通知各个阶段的居民)

  • Artificial Intelligence Support(人工智能支持)

  • Machine Language Support(机器语言支持)

MOSIP Logical Architecture(MOSIP逻辑架构)

MOSIP Partners will build on top of our core technology layer

  • Core Technology Layer: MOSIP Platform(核心技术层:MOSIP平台)

    • Basic Architecture of the ID System(ID系统的基本架构)

      • Modular(模块化)

      • Country Agnostic(国家不可知)

      • Vendor Agnostic(供应商不可知)

      • Ensures robustness & security(确保稳健性和安全性)

  • System Integrator Layer: for Country Customisation(系统集成层:用于国家定制)

    • Customisation to suit country needs(定制以满足国家需求)

      • System Integrator (a vendor) to develop additional modules, configurations, and security if desired(系统集成商(供应商)开发额外的模块、配置和安全性(如果需要))

      • Commercial Service Providers created and nurtured by MOSIP will provide the Platform maintenance support to System Integrators(MOSIP创建和培育的商业服务提供商将为系统集成商提供平台维护支持)

  • Use Cases Layer: Country Specific ID-Linked Services(用例层:特定于国家/地区的ID链接服务)

    • Linkages of services with foundational ID(服务与基础ID的链接)

      • Work with services like finance, health, welfare etc. to incorporate unique foundational identifier(与金融、健康、福利等服务部门合作,以纳入独特的基础标识符)

MOSIP Partnership Approach(MOSIP伙伴关系方法)

  • MOSIP Provides(MOSIP提供)

    • The MOSIP kernel under an open-source license(开源许可下的MOSIP内核)

    • Comprehensive documentation(详细的文档)

    • Five years of enhancements, support & maintenance of the kernel(五年的内核增强、支持和维护)

    • Training & education on MOSIP technology(MOSIP技术培训与教育)

    • A Certified Service Provider program as a group of vetted service providers with experience of implementing MOSIP at a country level(认证服务提供商计划,作为一组经过审查的服务提供商,具有在国家一级实施MOSIP的经验)

  • MOSIP Partners(MOSIP合作伙伴)

    • Customization and System Integration services(定制和系统集成服务)

    • Country level technology consulting(*技术咨询)

    • Solutioning for public and private service delivery with MOSIP as foundation(以MOSIP为基础的公共和私人服务交付解决方案)

    • Support, maintenance and enhancement services to countries and other user organisations(为国家和其他用户组织提供支持、维护和增强服务)

MOSIP Product Roadmap(MOSIP产品路线图)

MOSIP‘s current structure(MOSIP当前组织架构)

  • Secretariat(秘书处)

    • International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore(班加罗尔国际信息技术学院)

  • Funders(资助者)

    • Bill & Melinda Gates foundation(比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会)

    • Tata Trusts (塔塔信托)

    • Omidyar network(奥米迪亚网络)

  • Technology Committee(技术委员会)

  • Executive Committee(执行委员会)

  • International Advisory Group(国际咨询小组)

原文下载:MOSIP 101


