基于滤波器的心电信号降噪方法(MATLAB R2018)

clc;clear all;close all
%% Loading ECG signal
%ECG signal is loaded by the website https://archive.physionet.org/cgi-bin/atm/ATM
load('00m.mat');                     %00m.mat file is loaded 

%From the file file_name.info from the website, gain, sampling frequency and base can be found
%Formula to implement is var = (val - base)/gain
ECGsignal = (val - (-23942))/30044.2;       

Fs = 1000;                           %Sampling Frequency
t = (0:length(ECGsignal)-1)/Fs;

%Filtering Functionality

%Implementing Lynn's Filters
%Difference Equation is y[n] = 2y[n-1] + x[n] - 2x[n-alpha] + x[n-2*alpha]
%Implementing Coefficients for alpha = 6
x1 = [1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 1];
y1 = [1 -2 1];

%Difference Equation is y[n] = y[n-1] - x[n]/alpha + x[n-(alpha-1)/2] - x[n-((alpha-1)/2) -1] +x[n-alpha]/alpha
%Implementing coefficients for alpha = 321
x2 = [-1/321 zeros(1,160) 1 -1 zeros(1,159) 1/321];
y2 = [1 -1];

%Getting Filtered Output
Clear_ECGsignal = filter(x2,y2,ECGsignal);      %Application of HPF
Clear_ECGsignal = filter(x1,y1,ECGsignal);      %Application of LPF

%Sampling Functionality
% M = Sampling Factor <= pi/sampling period * maximum frequency of signal;
%Maximum frequency of signal is half the sampling frequency so range of M can be determined
M = 50;
Sampled_Clear_ECGsignal = Clear_ECGsignal(1:M:end);

%Predicting Average Heart Rate Functionality
%1: Removing Lower Frequencies
%2: Filtering phase-1 i.e default Window size
%3: Detecting Peaks in Filtered ECG
%4: Filtering Phase-2 i.e Optimized Window Size
%5: Detecting Peaks
%6: Using algorithm for Heart Rate Caluclation by using detected peaks

%Removing lower frequencies
%Taking FFT
fft_out = fft(Clear_ECGsignal);
temp = round(length(fft_out));%Rounding off the fft length so that the low frequency samples are easily zeroed out
fft_out(1 : temp*5/Fs) = 0;%zero out the low frequency components before the main lobes 
fft_out(end - round(length(fft_out)*5/Fs) : end) = 0;%zero out the after mian lobe low frequency components
%Taking Inverse FFT
corrected = real(ifft(fft_out));%ignoring the small imaginary parts
%Filtering - first pass
Window = floor(Fs * 571 / 1000);%making a window
if rem(Window,2)==0%catering the zeroth element
    Window = Window + 1;%window should be odd numbered
%applying window to filter out the signal
Filter_out = filter(Window,1,corrected)%applying window to our signal
Peaks_after_1stphase = Filter_out/(max(Filter_out)/7);%undo the effect of the filter magnitude attenuation
%as we need the peak value same as from  the lynns filter output i.e.
%magnified & so not to attenuate it

%Filtering by threshold filter
for temp = 1:1:length(Peaks_after_1stphase)           %Loop running over the whole length
   %If less than threshold then make it zero
   %we are zeroeing out the peaks in the time domain which are below the
   %threshold and making peaks equal to 1 which are above threshold
   %this is done to calculate the average heart rate which requires only
   %certain peaks above threshold to participate
    if Peaks_after_1stphase(temp) < 4
        Peaks_after_1stphase(temp) = 0;
    index_pos = find(Peaks_after_1stphase);%finding the x-coordinates of peaks
    min_distance = index_pos(2) - index_pos(1);%distance between peaks 
    %this is used in the formula i.e all three peaks participate
%Returning minimum distance between two peaks
for temp=1:1:length(index_pos)-1
    if index_pos(temp+1)-index_pos(temp) < min_distance 
        min_distance = index_pos(temp+1)-index_pos(temp);%updating the minimum position
%finding the distance of the start to peak of main central lobe (Q-R)
%this is done on the basis of previous min_distance
DistanceQtoR = floor(0.04*Fs);%window size 
if rem(DistanceQtoR,2)==0
    DistanceQtoR = DistanceQtoR+1;%catering zeroth index
Window = 2*min_distance - DistanceQtoR;%now window is optimized
%formula calculated only for ECG signals
%Filtering - second pass
%Applying the window to filter out the signal
Filter_out2 = filter(Window,1,corrected)%applying window to our signal
Peaks_after_2ndphase = Filter_out2;
%Loop running over the whole length
for temp=1:1:length(Peaks_after_2ndphase)
    %If less than threshold then make it zero
    %we are zeroeing out the peaks in the time domain which are below the
    %threshold and making peaks equal to 1 which are above threshold
    %this is done to calculate the average heart rate which requires only
    %certain peaks above threshold to participate
    if Peaks_after_2ndphase(temp)<4

%Calculating Average Heart Rate
Index_pos2 = find(Peaks_after_2ndphase);            %Finding peaks x-coordinates
Total_Distance = (Index_pos2(length(Index_pos2))-Index_pos2(1))*Fs*0.37;   %Measuring Total Distance b/w the peaks and undoing the 
                                                                           %effect of 2nd window attenuation
AveragePeakDistance = Total_Distance/length(Index_pos2);        %Implementing average formula

%% Plotting the 

%Original Signal
title('Original Signal')
ylabel('Signal Amplitude')

%Filtered Signal
title('Filtered Output')
ylabel('Signal Amplitude')

%Sampled Signal
title('Sampled Output')
ylabel('Signal Amplitude')

%% Finding the Average Heart Rate
%Formula for finding average heart beat rate
Output = 60 * Fs/AveragePeakDistance;                   %Multiplied by 60 because of finding rate in a minute
%Average Heart Rate OF Normal Person Is 60 - 100 per min.
%We can test for any different waveform

%% Displaying
disp('Signal Filtered (see plot)');

disp('Signal sampled by the factor of ');

disp('Average Heart Rate calulated = ');



