from random import randint def bubbleSort(aList): length = len(aList) for i in range(length-1): for j in range(i+1, length): if aList[i] > aList[j]: aList[i], aList[j] = aList[j], aList[i] return aList def quickSort(aList): if len(aList) <= 1: return aList return quickSort([i for i in aList[1:] if i < aList[0]]) + [aList[0]] + quickSort([i for i in aList[1:] if i >= aList[0]]) def selectSort(aList): length = len(aList) for i in range(length-1): idx = i for j in range(i+1, length): if aList[idx] > aList[j]: idx = j if idx != i: aList[i], aList[idx] = aList[idx], aList[i] return aList def insertSort(aList): length = len(aList) for i in range(1, length): for j in range(i-1, -1, -1): if aList[i] < aList[j]: aList[i], aList[j] = aList[j], aList[i] i = j return aList def shellSort(aList): length = len(aList) step = length // 2 while step > 0: for i in range(step, length): while i >= step and aList[i-step] > aList[i]: aList[i-step] , aList[i] = aList[i], aList[i-step] i -= step step //= 2 return aList def mergeSort(left, right): result = [] left_idx = right_idx = 0 left_len, right_len = len(left), len(right) while left_idx < left_len and right_idx < right_len: if left[left_idx] < right[right_idx]: result.append(left[left_idx]) left_idx += 1 else: result.append(right[right_idx]) right_idx += 1 while left_idx < left_len: result.append(left[left_idx]) left_idx += 1 while right_idx < right_len: result.append(right[right_idx]) right_idx += 1 return result def merge(aList): mid = len(aList) // 2 if len(aList) <= 1: return aList return mergeSort(merge(aList[:mid]), merge(aList[mid:])) def heapSink(aList, length, parent): child_idx = 2 * parent + 1 while child_idx < length: if child_idx + 1 < length and aList[child_idx] < aList[child_idx+1]: child_idx = child_idx + 1 if aList[parent] < aList[child_idx]: aList[parent], aList[child_idx] = aList[child_idx], aList[parent] heapSink(aList, length, child_idx) else: break def heapSort(aList): length = len(aList) for i in range(length//2, -1, -1): heapSink(aList, length, i) for i in range(length-1, 0, -1): aList[0], aList[i] = aList[i], aList[0] heapSink(aList, i, 0) return aList def countingSort(aList): sorted_list = [0] * (max(aList) + 1) for i in aList: sorted_list[i] += 1 temp = [] for i, j in enumerate(sorted_list): while j > 0: temp.append(i) j -= 1 return temp def bucketSort(aList, bucketSize=10): maxNum = max(aList) bucketList = [ [] for i in range(bucketSize+1) ] for i in aList: bucketList[i//bucketSize].append(i) aList = [] for i in bucketList: if i: aList.extend(insertSort(i)) return aList def radixSort(aList): for i in range(len(str(max(aList)))): tmpList = [ [] for i in range(10) ] for j in aList: tmpList[(j//10**i)%10].append(j) aList = [] for k in tmpList: if k: aList.extend(k) return aList if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: methods = [bubbleSort, quickSort, selectSort, insertSort, shellSort, heapSort, merge, countingSort, bucketSort, radixSort] for fn in methods: alist = [ randint(1, 100) for i in range(10) ] print(‘*‘ * 10 + str(fn) + ‘*‘ * 10) print(alist) print(fn(alist)) print(‘*‘ * 20)