

a. demo使用
$ make clean && make DEBUG=1
$ ./ts_mux_h264_aac
   ./ts_mux_h264_aac avfile/test1_856x480_24fps.h264 24 avfile/test1_44100_stereo.aac out1.ts
   ./ts_mux_h264_aac avfile/test2_720x480_30fps.h264 60 avfile/test2_48000_stereo.aac out2.ts
   ./ts_mux_h264_aac avfile/test3_1280x720_20fps.h264 20 avfile/test1_44100_stereo.aac out3.ts




  • out1.ts:
    • 电影和电视、ACG播放器
      • 播放不流畅(含有B帧,而程序只填pts没填dts导致,对比out3.ts可知,无关紧要);
      • 正常播放进度条时长正常(29s),拖动后有声音但画面卡住一会才动、音视频同步;
    • VLC
      • 播放不流畅(含有B帧,而程序只填pts没填dts导致,对比out3.ts可知,无关紧要);
      • 正常播放进度条时长正常(29s),拖动后有声音但画面会灰屏有画面在动过一会才恢复、音视频同步;
    • potplayer
      • 播放流畅;
      • 正常播放时进度条时长不正常(21s),拖动画面不会卡住、但音视频有时不同步;
  • out3.ts
    • 电影和电视、ACG播放器
      • 播放流畅;
      • 正常播放进度条时长正常(30s),拖动后有声音但画面卡住一会才动、音视频“同步”;
    • VLC
      • 播放流畅;
      • 正常播放进度条时长正常(30s),拖动后有声音但画面会灰屏有画面在动过一会才恢复、音视频“同步”;
    • potplayer
      • 播放流畅;
      • 正常播放时进度条时长不正常(8s),拖动画面和声音都会卡住一会才动;
b. 参考文章
  • 【科普】TS文件格式:什么是TS?如何打开和转换它?_都叫兽软件

  • TS封装格式 - CrazyDiode - 博客园(推荐!!看这篇基本就够了!!!其余文章作为参考即可。)

  • TS文件格式_LaugustusJ的博客-****博客_ts文件(没仔细看)

  • TS 文件格式解析_影音视频技术-****博客_ts格式解析(没仔细看)

  • 测试验证:h264实时流封装ts文件存储,完整实现 - jamin-snails的个人空间 - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区(没仔细看)


  • SpecialFTS.exe(demo中的tools/SpecialFTS_1.1.7z)源码下载地址


  • https://download.****.net/download/zhuweigangzwg/5605869?spm=1003.2166.3001.6637.7(推荐!!)
  • https://github.com/Jsnails/MUX_TS(根据前者进行改动的,可以不用看)
c. demo目录架构
$ tree
├── aac_adts.c
├── aac_adts.h
├── avfile
│   ├── out1.ts
│   ├── out2.ts
│   ├── out3.ts
│   ├── test1_44100_stereo.aac
│   ├── test1_856x480_24fps.h264
│   ├── test2_48000_stereo.aac
│   ├── test2_720x480_30fps.h264
│   └── test3_1280x720_20fps.h264
├── crcLib.c
├── crcLib.h
├── docs
│   ├── TS封装格式 - CrazyDiode - 博客园.mhtml
│   ├── TS文件格式_LaugustusJ的博客-****博客_ts文件.mhtml
│   ├── TS 文件格式解析_影音视频技术-****博客_ts格式解析.mhtml
│   ├── 测试验证:h264实时流封装ts文件存储,完整实现 - jamin-snails的个人空间 - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区.mhtml
│   └── 【科普】TS文件格式:什么是TS?如何打开和转换它?_都叫兽软件.mhtml
├── h264_nalu.c
├── h264_nalu.h
├── main.c
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── reference_src
│   ├── H264_AAC_TS_MUX.tar.bz2
│   └── MUX_TS-master.zip
├── tools
│   └── SpecialFTS_1.1.7z
├── ts.c
└── ts.h


#ifndef __TS_H__
#define __TS_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

//#define ENABLE_DEBUG

	#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)     printf(fmt, ##args)
	#define DEBUG(fmt, args...)

#define TS_HEADER_SYNC_BYTE 	0x47

#define TS_PACKET_SIZE 			188

/* PID: 13 bit */
#define TS_PID_PAT 				0x0000 	/* fixed */
#define TS_PID_PMT 				0x0FFF 	/* custom */
#define TS_PID_H264 			0x0007 	/* custom */
#define TS_PID_AAC 				0x0008 	/* custom */

#define TS_STREAM_ID_VIDEO 		0xE0 	/* always */
#define TS_STREAM_ID_AUDIO 		0xC0 	/* always */

#define PMT_STREAM_TYPE_H264 	0x1B 	/* fixed */
#define PMT_STREAM_TYPE_AAC 	0x0F 	/* fixed */
#define PMT_STREAM_TYPE_MP3 	0x03 	/* fixed */

/* ts layer header element member.
 * [Note: It is not stored as defined type size!!!]
typedef struct tsHeader
	uint8_t  sync_byte;                    // 8b, must be 0x47
	uint8_t  transport_error_indicator;    // 1b, transport error flag, always '0'. '1': after the adapt field of the ts head is a useless byte, this byte is in the adaptive area length.
	uint8_t  payload_unit_start_indicator; // 1b, the load unit starts the identifier, and a complete packet begins with a tag of '1'.
	uint8_t  transport_priority;           // 1b, always '0'.
	uint16_t pid;                          // 13b, packet id.
	uint8_t  transport_scrambling_control; // 2b, always '00'. transfer disturbance control.
	uint8_t  adaptation_field_control;     // 2b, whether has adaption field. '00': reserved, '01': playload, '10': adaption_field, '11': playload+adaption_field.
	uint8_t  continuity_counter;           // 4b, increasing counter, 0~f, the starting value is not necessarily 0, but it must be continuous.
}T_TsHeader, *PT_TsHeader;

/* adaptationField element member.
 * [Note: It is not stored as defined type size!!!]
typedef struct adaptationField
	uint8_t adaptation_field_length;              // 1B
	uint8_t discontinuty_indicator;               // 1b, the continuous state of the current transfer.
	uint8_t random_access_indicator;              // 1b, the next pes group with the same pid should contain the PTS fields and a raw flow access point.
	uint8_t elementary_stream_priority_indicator; // 1b, priority
	/* 5 flags for optional fields */
	uint8_t pcr_flag;                             // 1b
	uint8_t opcr_flag;                            // 1b
	uint8_t splicing_point_flag;                  // 1b
	uint8_t transport_private_data_flag;          // 1b
	uint8_t adaptation_field_extension_flag;      // 1b

	/* optional fields */
	uint64_t pcr;                         // 42b, Program Clock Reference
	uint64_t opcr;                        // 42b
	uint8_t splice_countdown;             // 1B
	uint8_t transport_private_data_len;   // 1B
	uint8_t transport_private_data[256];
}T_AdaptationField, *PT_AdaptationField;

/* pts and dts element member.
 * [Note: It is not stored as defined type size!!!]
typedef struct tsPtsDts
	uint8_t  reserved_1;  // 4b
	uint8_t  pts_32_30;   // 3b
	uint8_t  marker_bit1; // 1b
	uint32_t pts_29_15;   // 15b
	uint8_t  marker_bit2; // 1b
	uint32_t pts_14_0;    // 15b
	uint8_t  marker_bit3; // 1b

	uint8_t  reserved_2;  // 4b
	uint8_t  dts_32_30;   // 3b
	uint8_t  marker_bit4; // 1b
	uint32_t dts_29_15;   // 15b
	uint8_t  marker_bit5; // 1b
	uint32_t dts_14_0;    // 15b
	uint8_t  marker_bit6; // 3b

/* PAT element member.
 * [Note: It is not stored as defined type size!!!]
typedef struct pat
	uint8_t table_id;                 // 8b, PAT is fixed 0x00.
	uint8_t section_syntax_indicator; // 1b, fixed '1'.
	uint8_t zero;                     // 1b, fixed '0'.
	uint8_t reserved_1;               // 2b, fixed '11'.
	uint16_t section_length;          // 12b, length of data behind, comtain "crc32 code".
	uint16_t transport_stream_id;     // 16b, fixed 0x0001.
	uint8_t reserved_2;               // 2b, fixed '11'.
	uint8_t version_number;           // 5b, fixed '00000'.
	uint8_t current_next_indicator;   // 1b, fixed '1', the "pat" is available, '0' is wait for next "pat".
	uint8_t section_number;           // 8b, fixed 0x00.
	uint8_t last_section_number;      // 8b, fixed 0x00.
	/* loop start */
	uint32_t program_number;          // 16b, 0x0000: NIT, 0x0001: PMT.
	uint8_t reserved_3;               // 3b, fixed '111'.
	uint32_t pid;                     // 13b, program_number pid
	/* loop end */
	uint32_t crc_32;                  // 32b, the crc32 check code for the previous data
}T_Pat, *PT_Pat;

/* PMT element member.
 * [Note: It is not stored as defined type size!!!]
typedef struct pmt
	uint8_t  table_id;                 // 8b, PMT is fixed 0x02.
	uint8_t  section_syntax_indicator; // 1b, fixed '1'.
	uint8_t  zero;                     // 1b, fixed '0'.
	uint8_t  reserved_1;               // 2b, fixed '11'.
	uint32_t section_length;           // 12b, length of data behind, comtain "crc32 code".
	uint32_t program_number;           // 16b, pid of applicable program.
	uint8_t  reserved_2;               // 2b, fixed '11'.
	uint8_t  version_number;           // 5b, fixed '00000', if pat variable will be '00001'.
	uint8_t  current_next_indicator;   // 1b, fixed '1'.
	uint8_t  section_number;           // 8b, fixed 0x00.
	uint8_t  last_section_number;      // 8b, fixed 0x00.
	uint8_t  reserved_3;               // 3b, fixed '111'.
	uint32_t pcr_pid;                  // 13b, The pcr is grouped by the ts, which is designated as the video pid.
	uint8_t  reserved_4;               // 4b, fixed '1111'.
	uint32_t program_info_length;      // 12b, program describes, 0x000 for no.
	/* loop start */
	/* program 1 */
	uint8_t  stream_type_video;        // 8b, stream type. 0x1b: h264  0x0f: aac  0x03: mp3
	uint8_t  reserved_5_video;         // 3b, fixed '111'
	uint32_t elementary_pid_video;     // 13b, pid of "stream type"
	uint8_t  reserved_6_video;         // 4b, fixed '1111'
	uint32_t es_info_length_video;     // 12b, program describes, 0x000 for no.

	/* program 2 */
	uint8_t  stream_type_audio;
	uint8_t  reserved_5_audio;
	uint32_t elementary_pid_audio;
	uint8_t  reserved_6_audio;
	uint32_t es_info_length_audio;
	/* loop end */

	uint32_t crc_32;                   // 32b, the crc32 check code for the previous data
}T_Pmt, *PT_Pmt;

/* custom "PES" structure, it includes "pes header" and "es data".
 * so the member's size is different in ts file.
typedef struct
	/* "pes header"(not contain pts/dts) : 9 Bytes */
	uint32_t packet_start_code_prefix;  // 3B, start code, must be 0x000001.
	uint8_t  stream_id;                 // 1B, audio(0xc0~0xdf), always 0xc0; video(0xe0~0xef), always 0xe0.
	uint32_t pes_packet_length;         // 2B, the length of the data behind, 0 indicates unlimited length.
										// 1B: always 0x80 in this Byte.
	uint8_t  marker_bit;                //   2b, must be '10'.
	uint8_t  pes_scrambling_control;    //   2b, pes packet scrambling control.
	uint8_t  pes_priority;              //   1b, pes packet priority.
	uint8_t  data_alignment_indicator;  //   1b, '1': the follows video or audio syncword is shown in the back of the pes package.
	uint8_t  copyright;                 //   1b, copyright protection.
	uint8_t  original_or_copy;          //   1b, playload source.
										// 1B: 0x80: only pts; 0xc0: pts+dts
	uint8_t  pts_dts_flags;             //   2b, '10': PTS; '11': PTS+DTS, '00': none, '01': reserved.
	uint8_t  escr_flag;                 //   1b, '1': escr_base+escr_expand; '0': none.
	uint8_t  es_rate_flag;              //   1b, es rate.
	uint8_t  dsm_trick_mode_flag;       //   1b, whether the 8 bitt connection field exists.
	uint8_t  additional_copy_info_flag; //   1b, additional copy information.
	uint8_t  pes_crc_flag;              //   1b, whether there is a call.
	uint8_t  pes_extension_flag;        //   1b, extension.
	uint8_t  pes_data_length;           // 1B, 5 or 10, the length of the data(pts, dts) behind.

	TsPtsDts ts_pts_dts;                // pts+dts structure.

	/* "es data": 1024*1024+4 Bytes max */
	//uint8_t  av_data[MAX_ONE_FRAME_SIZE]; // one frame audio or video data.
	uint8_t* av_data; 					// one frame audio or video data.
	uint8_t* av_data_cur_ptr; 			// position for current "av_data"
	uint32_t av_data_len;				// length of data.
}T_PesEsStruct, *PT_PesEsStruct;

 * function describe: Mux h264 and aac to TS file.
 * params:
 *   [h264FileName]: h264 file.(in)
 *   [vFps]: video fps.(in)
 *   [aacFileName]: aac file file.(in)
 *   [tsFileName]: ts file.(in)
 * return: 0-success  other-error
int ts_mux_h264_aac(char *h264FileName, uint32_t vFps, char *aacFileName, char *tsFileName);



#include "h264_nalu.h"
#include "aac_adts.h"
#include "ts.h"
#include "crcLib.h"

static uint32_t endian_convert(uint32_t val)
	return (((val >>  0)  & 0xff) << 24) |\
		   (((val >>  8)  & 0xff) << 16) |\
		   (((val >> 16) & 0xff) << 8)  |\
		   (((val >> 24) & 0xff) << 0);

static int fixFirstPacketAdaptionFieldStruct(T_AdaptationField *ptAdaptationField, uint64_t pts)
		printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		return -1;

	ptAdaptationField->adaptation_field_length = 7; /* pcr_flag = 1: has pcr */
	ptAdaptationField->discontinuty_indicator = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->random_access_indicator = 0; /* is keyflame? always 0, you can set it such "iskeyflame?1:0" */
	ptAdaptationField->elementary_stream_priority_indicator = 0;
	/* 5 flags for optional fields */
	ptAdaptationField->pcr_flag = 1;
	ptAdaptationField->opcr_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->splicing_point_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->transport_private_data_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->adaptation_field_extension_flag = 0;

	ptAdaptationField->pcr  = pts * 300;
	ptAdaptationField->opcr = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->splice_countdown = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->transport_private_data_len = 0;

	return 0;

static int fixCommonAdaptionFieldStruct(T_AdaptationField *ptAdaptationField)
		printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		return -1;

	ptAdaptationField->adaptation_field_length = 1; /* 5 flags = 0 */
	ptAdaptationField->discontinuty_indicator = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->random_access_indicator = 0; /* is keyflame? always 0, you can set it such "iskeyflame?1:0" */
	ptAdaptationField->elementary_stream_priority_indicator = 0;
	/* 5 flags for optional fields */
	ptAdaptationField->pcr_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->opcr_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->splicing_point_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->transport_private_data_flag = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->adaptation_field_extension_flag = 0;

	ptAdaptationField->pcr  = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->opcr = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->splice_countdown = 0;
	ptAdaptationField->transport_private_data_len = 0;

	return 0;

static int fixAdtsFrameToPesStruct(uint8_t *adtsData, uint32_t adtsDataLen, uint64_t pts, T_PesEsStruct *ptAdtsPesStu)
	if(!ptAdtsPesStu || !adtsData || !adtsDataLen)
		printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		return -1;

	/* pes header */
	ptAdtsPesStu->packet_start_code_prefix = 0x000001;
	ptAdtsPesStu->stream_id = TS_STREAM_ID_AUDIO;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_packet_length = 0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->marker_bit = 0b10;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_scrambling_control = 0b00;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_priority = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->data_alignment_indicator = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->copyright = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->original_or_copy = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pts_dts_flags = 0b10;  // '10': audio(aac) only PTS
	ptAdtsPesStu->escr_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->es_rate_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->dsm_trick_mode_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->additional_copy_info_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_crc_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_extension_flag = 0b0;
	ptAdtsPesStu->pes_data_length = 5;   // pts_dts_flags = '10': audio(aac) only PTS

	ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.reserved_1 = 0b1111;
	if(pts > 0x7FFFFFFF)
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_32_30 = (pts >> 30) & 0x07;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit1 = 0b1;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_32_30  = 0;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit1 = 0b0;

	if(pts > 0x7FFF)
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_29_15 = (pts >> 15) & 0x007FFF;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit2 = 0b1;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_29_15 = 0;
		ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit2 = 0b0;

	ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_14_0 = pts & 0x007FFF;
	ptAdtsPesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit3 = 0b1;

	/* es data */
	ptAdtsPesStu->av_data = adtsData;
	ptAdtsPesStu->av_data_len = adtsDataLen;

	return 0;

int fixH264FrameToPesStruct(uint8_t *h264Data, uint32_t h264DataLen, uint64_t pts, T_PesEsStruct* ptH264PesStu)
	if(!ptH264PesStu || !h264Data || !h264DataLen)
		printf("[%s:%d] Params invalid!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		return -1;

	/* pes header */
	ptH264PesStu->packet_start_code_prefix = 0x000001;
	ptH264PesStu->stream_id = TS_STREAM_ID_VIDEO;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_packet_length = 0;
	ptH264PesStu->marker_bit = 0b10;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_scrambling_control = 0b00;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_priority = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->data_alignment_indicator = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->copyright = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->original_or_copy = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->pts_dts_flags = 0b10;   // '10':  only PTS
	ptH264PesStu->escr_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->es_rate_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->dsm_trick_mode_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->additional_copy_info_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_crc_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_extension_flag = 0b0;
	ptH264PesStu->pes_data_length = 5;   // pts_dts_flags = '10'

	ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.reserved_1 = 0x03;
	if(pts > 0x7FFFFFFF)
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_32_30 = (pts >> 30) & 0x07;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit1 = 0b1;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_32_30  = 0;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit1 = 0b0;

	if(pts > 0x7FFF)
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_29_15 = (pts >> 15) & 0x007FFF ;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit2 = 0b1;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_29_15 = 0;
		ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit2 = 0b0;

	ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.pts_14_0 = pts & 0x007FFF;
	ptH264PesStu->ts_pts_dts.marker_bit3 = 0b1;

	/* es data */
	ptH264PesStu->av_data = h264Data;
	ptH264PesStu->av_data_len = h264DataLen;

	return 0;

static int fixFirstPacketAdaptionField(T_AdaptationField *adaptationField, uint8_t adaptFieldLen, uint8_t *adaptBuf)
	uint8_t adaptiveFlags = 0x00;
	uint8_t adaptivePos = 1; // 
上一篇:LeetCode 20. 有效的括号

下一篇:ubuntu下aarch64-linux-gnu(交叉编译) gdb/gdbserver