

oobabooga-textgen-web-ui how to get authorization to view model list from port 5000 via the ooba's api-key in python



I wish to extract and print out a list of llm models from the oobabooga-text-gen-web-ui in python.


Some context first before i head over to my problem.


For those familiar with what ooba is its essentially a Gradio web UI for Large Language Models.

对于那些熟悉ooba的人来说,它本质上是一个为大型语言模型(Large Language Models)设计的Gradio网络用户界面。

I downloaded and loaded a few llm models onto this web ui. The web ui uses to display the web user interface on port 7860. But if I enable the openai and api extensions, and also edit the CMD_FLAGS.txt within the ooba folder into something like:

我下载并在这个网络用户界面上加载了几个大型语言模型(LLM)。该网络用户界面使用 在7860端口上显示用户界面。但是,如果我启用了openai和api扩展,并且在ooba文件夹内编辑CMD_FLAGS.txt文件,内容类似于:

--listen --api --api-key "enter-your-fake-api-key-here" 

the extensions will mimic an Open AI api key by connecting to ooba from a network via port 5000

这些扩展将通过端口5000从网络连接到ooba,从而模拟一个OpenAI API密钥。

Here come the problem...        问题出现了

this is my code to view the model list from ooba :        以下是我用来查看ooba中模型列表的代码

import requests

url = ""

#Model List
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

response = requests.get(f'{url}/internal/model/list',

the output should look something like this:        输出应该看起来像这样:

{'model_names': ['L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2', 'L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2_exl2_8h_8bpw', 'L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2_q8_0.gguf', 'MixTAO-7Bx2-MoE-v8.1_q8_0.gguf']}

but instead i got this:        但我得到了这个:

{'detail': 'Unauthorized'}

After some fiddling around I found that if I leave CMD_FLAGS.txt blank the code works as intended and i get the model lists but i dont have access to an API key since its not enable on ooba.


if I do enable it with CMD_FLAGS.txt and typing:        如果我在CMD_FLAGS.txt中启用它并输入:

--listen --api --api-key "enter-your-fake-api-key-here" 

I'll have access to the openai api key but the code to extract the model list will return as : {'detail': 'Unauthorized'}

我将能够访问OpenAI的API密钥,但是用于提取模型列表的代码将返回:{'detail': 'Unauthorized'}

I need the api key enabled from ooba cuz i plan to use the openai.client feature for model interactions. How do I keep the configuration that enables the fake open ai api key but also allows me to extract the model list?

我需要从ooba启用API密钥,因为我计划使用openai.client功能来进行模型交互。我如何保持这种配置,即启用模拟的OpenAI API密钥,同时又能提取模型列表?


1 day later... Found the answer. Turns out if i want the api key to be enabled while also being able to view the model list from ooba via the api, I need to add an 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}' in the header.

一天后...我找到了答案。原来,如果我想在启用API密钥的同时,也能够通过API从ooba查看模型列表,我需要在请求头中添加'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'

The code should look something like this:       代码应该像这样:

import requests

api_key = "enter-your-fake-api-key-here"
url = ""

#Model List
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"

response = requests.get(f'{url}/internal/model/list',
