Linux命令 wc(word count)-l(lines)用于统计文件中的行数。-wc --help

[root@localhost ~]# wc --help
用法:wc [选项]... [文件]...
 或:wc [选项]... --files0-from=F
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if
more than one FILE is specified.  With no FILE, or when FILE is -,
read standard input.  A word is a non-zero-length sequence of characters
delimited by white space.
The options below may be used to select which counts are printed, always in
the following order: newline, word, character, byte, maximum line length.
  -c, --bytes            print the byte counts
  -m, --chars            print the character counts
  -l, --lines            print the newline counts
      --files0-from=文件        从指定文件读取以NUL 终止的名称,如果该文件被
  -L, --max-line-length 显示最长行的长度
  -w, --words                   显示单词计数
      --help            显示此帮助信息并退出
      --version         显示版本信息并退出

GNU coreutils online help: <>
请向<> 报告wc 的翻译错误
要获取完整文档,请运行:info coreutils 'wc invocation'
[root@localhost ~]# 



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