MacBook Pro 原生安装 Ubuntu 24.04 ARM 版-实战开始

想要在 Mac 设备上运行最新的 Ubuntu 24.04 操作系统,一共分三步:准备安装程序、授权系统启动、更新操作系统。


所有的 Asahi Linux 发行版的安装程序准备,都是固定的套路(支持自定义 installer config/data),先使用 curl 下载并执行安装脚本:

curl -sL | sh


# 下载安装程序
curl -sL >
# 审查安装程序
# 执行安装程序


Bootstrapping installer:
  Checking version...
  Version: v0.7.1

这个安装程序需要使用 root 权限执行,所以,如果安装过程和你询问账号的密码来提权,需要输入密码。


Collecting system information...
  Product name: MacBook Pro (13-inch, M2, 2022)
  SoC: Apple M2
  Device class: j493ap
  Product type: Mac14,7
  Board ID: 0x2a
  Chip ID: 0x8112
  System firmware: iBoot-10151.1.1
  Boot UUID: 4A4C1024-1024-1024-1024-49C3B4DF1024
  Boot VGID: 4A4C1024-1024-1024-1024-49C3B4DF1024
  Default boot VGID: 4A4C1024-1024-1024-1024-49C3B4DF1024
  Boot mode: macOS
  OS version: 14.0 (23A344)
  OS restore version: 23.1.344.0.0,0
  Main firmware version: 14.0 (23A344)
  No Fallback System Firmware / rOS
  SFR version: 23.1.344.0.0,0
  SystemRecovery version:,0 (14.3 23D56)
  Login user: soulteary

Collecting partition information...
  System disk: disk0

当基础信息收集完毕后,程序首先会收集和引导我们调整磁盘分区,来腾出一些空间安装新的 Linux 操作系统:

Collecting OS information...

Partitions in system disk (disk0):
  1: APFS [Macintosh HD] (494.38 GB, 6 volumes)
    OS: [B*] [Macintosh HD] macOS v14.0 [disk3s3s1, 4A4C1024-1024-1024-1024-49C3B4DF1024]
  2: APFS (System Recovery) (5.37 GB, 2 volumes)
    OS: [  ] recoveryOS v14.0 [Primary recoveryOS]

  [B ] = Booted OS, [R ] = Booted recovery, [? ] = Unknown
  [ *] = Default boot volume

Using OS 'Macintosh HD' (disk3s3s1) for machine authentication.

Choose what to do:
  r: Resize an existing partition to make space for a new OS
  q: Quit without doing anything
» Action (r): r

如果你没有安装或者提前进行系统分区,那么输入 r 就能够进入分区调整步骤了。接下来程序会询问我们到底要划分多少空间给新的操作系统:

We're going to resize this partition:
  APFS [Macintosh HD] (494.38 GB, 6 volumes)
  Total size: 494.38 GB
  Free space: 431.38 GB
  Available space: 393.38 GB
  Overhead: 0 B
  Minimum new size: 101.01 GB (20.43%)

Enter the new size for your existing partition:
  You can enter a size such as '1GB', a fraction such as '50%',
  or the word 'min' for the smallest allowable size.

  30%  - 30% to macOS, 70% to the new OS
  80GB - 80GB to macOS, the rest to your new OS
  min  - Shrink macOS as much as (safely) possible

» New size (50%): 30%

我个人诉求是主要使用这台机器作为 Linux CI/CD 机器,所以我只给原始操作系统留了 30% 的空间,这样既能做 PE 维护系统以防万一,真需要 macOS 运行的软件,也能切回去运行。

然后,一路回车和 y (同意),用于安装 Linux 的新分区就自动处理好啦:

Resizing will free up 346.07 GB of space.

Note: your system may appear to freeze during the resize.
This is normal, just wait until the process completes.
» Continue? (y/N): y

Started APFS operation
Aligning shrink delta to 346,068,963,328 bytes and targeting a new container size of 148,315,832,320 bytes
Determined the minimum size for the APFS Container to be 62,226,694,144 bytes
Resizing APFS Container designated by APFS Container Reference disk3
The specific APFS Physical Store being resized is disk0s2
[ - 0%..10%.............................................. ] 

Verifying allocated space
The container /dev/disk0s2 appears to be OK
Storage system check exit code is 0
Shrinking APFS Physical Store disk0s2 from 494,384,795,648 to 148,315,832,320 bytes
Shrinking APFS data structures
Shrinking partition
Modifying partition map
Finished APFS operation

Resize complete. Press enter to continue.


Collecting partition information...
  System disk: disk0

Collecting OS information...

Partitions in system disk (disk0):
  1: APFS [Macintosh HD] (148.32 GB, 6 volumes)
    OS: [B*] [Macintosh HD] macOS v14.0 [disk3s3s1, 4A4C1024-1024-1024-1024-49C3B4DF1024]
  2: (free space: 346.07 GB)
  3: APFS (System Recovery) (5.37 GB, 2 volumes)
    OS: [  ] recoveryOS v14.0 [Primary recoveryOS]

  [B ] = Booted OS, [R ] = Booted recovery, [? ] = Unknown
  [ *] = Default boot volume

Using OS 'Macintosh HD' (disk3s3s1) for machine authentication.

Choose what to do:
  f: Install an OS into free space
  r: Resize an existing partition to make space for a new OS
  q: Quit without doing anything
» Action (f): 


Choose an OS to install:
  1: Ubuntu Desktop 23.10
  2: Ubuntu Desktop 23.04
  3: Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS
  4: Ubuntu Server Minimal
  5: UEFI environment only (m1n1 + U-Boot + ESP)

我这里推荐安装距离 24.04 最近的 23.10,硬件驱动支持的更好。


To continue the installation, you will need to enter your macOS
admin credentials.

Password for soulteary: 

Setting the new OS as the default boot volume...

Installation successful!

Install information:
  APFS VGID: A42B1024-1024-1024-1024-E99F0C481024
  EFI PARTUUID: aebe1024-1024-1024-1024-42bf967a1024

To be able to boot your new OS, you will need to complete one more step.
Please read the following instructions carefully. Failure to do so
will leave your new installation in an unbootable state.

Press enter to continue

到这里,安装就完毕啦,作者比较小心,特别写了一段 “防呆” 文档提醒:

When the system shuts down, follow these steps:

1. Wait 25 seconds for the system to fully shut down.
2. Press and hold down the power button to power on the system.
   * It is important that the system be fully powered off before this step,
     and that you press and hold down the button once, not multiple times.
     This is required to put the machine into the right mode.
3. Release it once you see 'Loading startup options...' or a spinner.
4. Wait for the volume list to appear.
5. Choose 'macbian'.
6. You will briefly see a 'macOS Recovery' dialog.
   * If you are asked to 'Select a volume to recover',
     then choose your normal macOS volume and click Next.
     You may need to authenticate yourself with your macOS credentials.
7. Once the 'Asahi Linux installer' screen appears, follow the prompts.

If you end up in a bootloop or get a message telling you that macOS needs to
be reinstalled, that means you didn't follow the steps above properly.
Fully shut down your system without doing anything, and try again.
If in trouble, hold down the power button to boot, select macOS, run
this installer again, and choose the 'p' option to retry the process.

Press enter to shut down the system.



选择你的 Linux 操作系统启动(看得出我养猫吧)

然后,在启动列表中选择你的 Linux 操作系统。



当我们在启动列表选择了我们的 Linux 操作系统后,首次启动系统,我们需要完成“系统启动切换”的授权。

如果看到了 “macOS 恢复”对话框,我们需要 “选择要恢复的卷”,点击下一步,选择我们安装了 Linux 的分区,然后进行身份验证对其授权。

在界面弹出的终端窗口中,和上文一样,该输入 Mac 设备的用户名和密码的时候,小心输入,并回车确认,几轮下来后,点击回车,设备重启,授权系统启动的工作就结束啦。


一般情况,如果上面的工作都顺利完成,那么我们将自动的进入 Linux 环境。

默认的账号和密码都是 ubuntu,输入密码,将自动进入 Ubuntu 环境。

因为默认安装的操作系统版本是 Ubuntu 23.10,想要得到最新的 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 版本,我们需要做一些工作。

默认的 Ubuntu 软件源,可能访问数据会比较慢,可以根据自己的具体情况来做一个软件源替换,比如替换为清华源:

sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list


apt update && apt upgrade -y

当软件都更新完毕之后,我们执行 do-release-upgrade 开始 Linux 发行版更新即可:

# 或者
do-release-upgrade -d

如果过程中遇到问题,可以参考《服务端升级 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 记录》中的方法,来排查和解决。

如果你在过程中遇到了类似 "The following packages have been kept back:" Why and how do I solve it? 的问题,我们可以使用下面的命令来解决问题:

apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade -y



apt-get autoremove -y

重启操作系统,再次进入系统,我们就得到了 Ubuntu 24.04 版本的全新操作系统。

