

1. 环境准备

1.1 配置存储管理器PSM的共享库

SinoDB 内置了一个存储管理器PSM,该存储管理器的接口库位置为$INFORMIXSERVER/lib/libbsapsm.so

  • 查看接口库

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ cd $INFORMIXSERVER/lib
[informix@vm84145 lib]$ pwd
[informix@vm84145 lib]$ ll |grep libbsapsm.so
-r-xr-xr-x 1 informix informix  1927078 Aug 16  2017 libbsapsm.so
[informix@vm84145 lib]$

  • 使用onbar时,需要做一些简单的配置,配置参数如下:
参数 说明
BAR_BSALIB_PATH 指定不同存储管理器的共享库(XBSA)
BAR_MAX_BACKUP 定义并行程度,确定要并发运行的备份和恢复进程数
LTAPEDEV 指定逻辑日志备份目录
  • 配置参数

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep BAR_BSALIB_PATH |grep -v '#'
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf BAR_BSALIB_PATH=/home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so
Value of BAR_BSALIB_PATH has been changed to /home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep BAR_BSALIB_PATH |grep -v '#'
BAR_BSALIB_PATH /home/informix/sinodb/lib/libbsapsm.so
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf LTAPEDEV=/home/informix/backups
Value of LTAPEDEV has been changed to /home/informix/backups.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -c |grep LTAPEDEV |grep -v '#'
LTAPEDEV        /home/informix/backups
[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 语法:

onpsm -D list

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type   Prio     Block/Size (MB)  Pool Name     Device Name
FILE   LOW          --/--        DBSPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE   LOW          --/--        LOGPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups

[informix@vm84145 etc]$



  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list
SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type   Prio     Block/Size (MB)  Pool Name     Device Name
FILE   LOW          --/--        DBSPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups

FILE   LOW          --/--        LOGPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$mkdir -p /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$mkdir -p /home/informix/psmpool/logpool
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D add /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool -g DBSPOOL -p HIGHEST -t FILE
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D add /home/informix/psmpool/logpool -g LOGPOOL -p HIGHEST -t FILE
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type   Prio     Block/Size (MB)  Pool Name     Device Name
FILE   LOW          --/--        DBSPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups
FILE   HIGHEST      --/--        DBSPOOL       /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

FILE   LOW          --/--        LOGPOOL       /home/informix/sinodb/backups
FILE   HIGHEST      --/--        LOGPOOL       /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D del /home/informix/sinodb/backups -d
Delete the device from ALL pools and DELETE ALL backup objects stored in
FILE devices? (y/n) y
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ onpsm -D list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Device List

Type   Prio     Block/Size (MB)  Pool Name     Device Name
FILE   HIGHEST      --/--        DBSPOOL       /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool

FILE   HIGHEST      --/--        LOGPOOL       /home/informix/psmpool/logpool

[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ^C
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ll /home/informix/psmpool/dbspool
total 0
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$ ll /home/informix/psmpool/logpool
total 0
[informix@vm84145 psmpool]$

2. 备份与恢复实验

(1) 数据空间文件被删除时的数据完全恢复
(2) 表删除后基于时间点的不完全恢复

image660×572 15.8 KB

步骤1: 创建数据库和表(t1)

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess sysmaster -

Database selected.

> create database psmdb in datadbs1 with log;

Database closed.

Database created.

> create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(20));

Table created.

> create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(20));

Table created.

> info tables;

Table name

t_dept             t_employee         




  • 语法

insert into t_dept values(1, 'dept_1');
insert into t_dept values(2, 'dept_2');
insert into t_dept values(3, 'dept_3'); 

  • 查询结果


> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              

3 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 10:39:52



  • 语法

insert into t_employee values(1, 1, 'employee_01');
insert into t_employee values(2, 1, 'employee_02');
insert into t_employee values(3, 2, 'employee_03');
insert into t_employee values(4, 2, 'employee_04');
insert into t_employee values(5, 3, 'employee_05'); 

  • 查询结果


> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         

5 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 10:41:03

步骤3: 系统进行L0备份(t4)



[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 17:42:00 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  0        1024     57951      927        62.51
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    142057     13         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-3  0        512      422146     50692      39539      8.3        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      421482     44029124      
        HA           629        27676         
        DDL          35         12180         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        F------  0        2:53               102390        0     0.00
475fbf88         8        A------  0        2:102443           102390        0     0.00
4886fd90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
4886fdf8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U------  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U------  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U------  15       2:819173           102390    50582    49.40
47481f40         16       U---C-L  16       2:921563           102390       18     0.02
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$


 [informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg |grep SERVERNUM
[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 语法

 onbar -b -L 0

  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 0
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID            Date Created         Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1                    2022-03-07 11:22:14       24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1
2                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1
3                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1
4                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1
5                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1
6                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1
7                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1
8                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1
9                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1
10                   2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1
11                   2022-03-07 11:22:15       79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1
12                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1
13                   2022-03-07 11:22:16       98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1
14                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1
15                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1
16                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1
17                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1
18                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1
[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 语法

 insert into t_employee values(11, 1, 'employee_11');
insert into t_employee values(12, 1, 'employee_12');
insert into t_employee values(13, 2, 'employee_13');
insert into t_employee values(14, 2, 'employee_14');
insert into t_employee values(15, 3, 'employee_15');

  • 查询结果


> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         

10 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 14:27:27



  • 语法

 onbar -b -L 1

  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 1
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID            Date Created         Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1                    2022-03-07 11:22:14       24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1
2                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1
3                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1
4                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1
5                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1
6                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1
7                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1
8                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1
9                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1
10                   2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1
11                   2022-03-07 11:22:15       79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1
12                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1
13                   2022-03-07 11:22:16       98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1
14                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1
15                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1
16                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1
17                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1
18                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1
19                   2022-03-07 14:28:38        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1
20                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1
21                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1
22                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1
23                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1
24                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1
25                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1
26                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1
27                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1
28                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1
29                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1
30                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2
31                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2
32                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2
33                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2
[informix@vm84145 ~]$





  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         

11 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 14:33:01



  • 语法
onbar -b -L 1
  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 1
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID            Date Created         Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1                    2022-03-07 11:22:14       24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1
2                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1
3                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1
4                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1
5                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1
6                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1
7                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1
8                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1
9                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1
10                   2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1
11                   2022-03-07 11:22:15       79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1
12                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1
13                   2022-03-07 11:22:16       98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1
14                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1
15                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1
16                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1
17                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1
18                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1
19                   2022-03-07 14:28:38        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1
20                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1
21                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1
22                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1
23                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1
24                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1
25                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1
26                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1
27                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1
28                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1
29                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1
30                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2
31                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2
32                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2
33                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2
34                   2022-03-07 14:34:06        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2
35                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2
36                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2
37                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3
38                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2
39                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4
40                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2
41                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2
42                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2
43                   2022-03-07 14:34:09        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4
44                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1
45                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5
46                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5
47                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5
48                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5
[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 语法

 insert into t_employee values(21, 1, 'employee_21');
insert into t_employee values(22, 1, 'employee_22');
insert into t_employee values(23, 2, 'employee_23');
insert into t_employee values(24, 2, 'employee_24');
insert into t_employee values(25, 3, 'employee_25');

  • 查看数据


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

16 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 14:40:09


  • 语法

 onbar -b -L 2

  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onbar -b -L 2
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID            Date Created         Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1                    2022-03-07 11:22:14       24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1
2                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1
3                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1
4                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1
5                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1
6                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1
7                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1
8                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1
9                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1
10                   2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1
11                   2022-03-07 11:22:15       79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1
12                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1
13                   2022-03-07 11:22:16       98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1
14                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1
15                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1
16                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1
17                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1
18                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1
19                   2022-03-07 14:28:38        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1
20                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1
21                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1
22                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1
23                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1
24                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1
25                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1
26                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1
27                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1
28                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1
29                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1
30                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2
31                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2
32                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2
33                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2
34                   2022-03-07 14:34:06        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2
35                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2
36                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2
37                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3
38                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2
39                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4
40                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2
41                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2
42                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2
43                   2022-03-07 14:34:09        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4
44                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1
45                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5
46                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5
47                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5
48                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5
49                   2022-03-07 14:53:10        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/2/sinodb.1
50                   2022-03-07 14:53:11        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/2/sinodb.1
51                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/2/sinodb.1
52                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/2/sinodb.1
53                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/2/sinodb.1
54                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/2/sinodb.1
55                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/2/sinodb.1
56                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/2/sinodb.1
57                   2022-03-07 14:53:13        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/2/sinodb.1
58                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/2/sinodb.1
59                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.2 /sinodb/0/19/sinodb.1
60                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.6
61                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.6
62                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.6
63                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.6
[informix@vm84145 ~]$


  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:22:30 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  38       1024     58319      939        62.11
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    142425     38         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-3  0        512      424219     51014      39854      8.3        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      423540     44231256      
        HA           644        28336         
        DDL          35         12180         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        U-B----  17       2:53               102390       88     0.09
475fbf88         8        U-B----  18       2:102443           102390       62     0.06
4886fd90         9        U-B---L  19       2:204833           102390       78     0.08
4886fdf8         10       U---C--  20       2:307223           102390       11     0.01
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U-B----  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U-B----  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U-B----  15       2:819173           102390    50582    49.40
47481f40         16       U-B----  16       2:921563           102390      101     0.10
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$




  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(4, 'dept_4');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              

4 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 14:55:32





[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> update t_employee set f_employeename = 'employee_updated' where f_employeeid = 11;

1 row(s) updated.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_updated    
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

16 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 14:56:24



  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:26:14 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  41       1024     58319      939        62.11
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    142425     41         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-2  0        512      424226     51016      39856      8.3        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      423547     44231732      
        HA           644        28336         
        DDL          35         12180         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        U-B----  17       2:53               102390       88     0.09
475fbf88         8        U-B----  18       2:102443           102390       62     0.06
4886fd90         9        U-B---L  19       2:204833           102390       78     0.08
4886fdf8         10       U---C--  20       2:307223           102390       13     0.01
4886fe60         11       U-B----  11       2:409613           102390       51     0.05
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U-B----  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U-B----  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U-B----  15       2:819173           102390    50582    49.40
47481f40         16       U-B----  16       2:921563           102390      101     0.10
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -l
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:26:57 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-1  41       1024     58319      939        62.11
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    142425     41         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-1  0        512      424248     51021      39861      8.3        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      423569     44234048      
        HA           644        28336         
        DDL          35         12180         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        U-B----  17       2:53               102390       88     0.09
475fbf88         8        U-B----  18       2:102443           102390       62     0.06
4886fd90         9        U-B---L  19       2:204833           102390       78     0.08
4886fdf8         10       U------  20       2:307223           102390       14     0.01
4886fe60         11       U---C--  21       2:409613           102390        4     0.00
4886fec8         12       U-B----  12       2:512003           102390       10     0.01
4886ff30         13       U-B----  13       2:614393           102390    40589    39.64
4886ff98         14       U-B----  14       2:716783           102390        8     0.01
473abf68         15       U-B----  15       2:819173           102390    50582    49.40
47481f40         16       U-B----  16       2:921563           102390      101     0.10
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 ~]$



  • 在灾难发生前,删除一个记录,用于后续恢复时的验证用例。



[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> delete from t_employee where f_employeeid = 14;

1 row(s) deleted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_updated    
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

15 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 15:00:05



  • 语法

 cd /home/informix/dbs/
rm -rf datadbs1-1

  • 操作演示

 [informix@vm84145 ~]$ cd /home/informix/dbs/
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 19968000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 14:58 datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 14:59 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 14:58 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 14:58 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar  1 17:31 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 17920000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 25 18:13 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  1 17:31 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 15:03 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 15:03 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Mar  7 15:03 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Mar  1 17:31 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Mar  7 14:58 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$





[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess psmdb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(5, 'dept_5');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              
          5 dept_5              

5 row(s) retrieved.

> !date +'%F %T'
2022-03-07 15:04:33



  • 语法

 onbar -b -l

  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$onbar -b l
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onpsm -O list

SinoDB Primary Storage Manager Object List

Object ID            Date Created         Size (MB) Logical path (name.version)
1                    2022-03-07 11:22:14       24.1 /sinodb/rootdbs/0/sinodb.1
2                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/0/sinodb.1
3                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/0/sinodb.1
4                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        9.4 /sinodb/datadbs1/0/sinodb.1
5                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/0/sinodb.1
6                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/0/sinodb.1
7                    2022-03-07 11:22:14        1.0 /sinodb/bindbs1/0/sinodb.1
8                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/0/sinodb.1
9                    2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/0/sinodb.1
10                   2022-03-07 11:22:15        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/0/sinodb.1
11                   2022-03-07 11:22:15       79.3 /sinodb/0/13/sinodb.1
12                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/0/14/sinodb.1
13                   2022-03-07 11:22:16       98.8 /sinodb/0/15/sinodb.1
14                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.2 /sinodb/0/16/sinodb.1
15                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.1
16                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.1
17                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.1
18                   2022-03-07 11:22:16        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.1
19                   2022-03-07 14:28:38        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.1
20                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.1
21                   2022-03-07 14:28:40        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.1
22                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.1
23                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.1
24                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.1
25                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.1
26                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.1
27                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.1
28                   2022-03-07 14:28:41        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.1
29                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.2 /sinodb/0/17/sinodb.1
30                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.2
31                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.2
32                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.2
33                   2022-03-07 14:28:42        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.2
34                   2022-03-07 14:34:06        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/1/sinodb.2
35                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/1/sinodb.2
36                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/1/sinodb.2
37                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/1/sinodb.3
38                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/1/sinodb.2
39                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/1/sinodb.4
40                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/1/sinodb.2
41                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/1/sinodb.2
42                   2022-03-07 14:34:08        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/1/sinodb.2
43                   2022-03-07 14:34:09        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/1/sinodb.4
44                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/0/18/sinodb.1
45                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.5
46                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.5
47                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.5
48                   2022-03-07 14:34:10        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.5
49                   2022-03-07 14:53:10        0.2 /sinodb/rootdbs/2/sinodb.1
50                   2022-03-07 14:53:11        0.1 /sinodb/sbdbs1/2/sinodb.1
51                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs2/2/sinodb.1
52                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs5/2/sinodb.1
53                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs3/2/sinodb.1
54                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/llogdbs/2/sinodb.1
55                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/bindbs1/2/sinodb.1
56                   2022-03-07 14:53:12        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs1/2/sinodb.1
57                   2022-03-07 14:53:13        0.1 /sinodb/plogdbs/2/sinodb.1
58                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.1 /sinodb/datadbs4/2/sinodb.1
59                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.2 /sinodb/0/19/sinodb.1
60                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/ixbar/sinodb.6
61                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/oncfg/sinodb.6
62                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.1 /sinodb/critical_files/onconfig/sinodb.6
63                   2022-03-07 14:53:14        0.0 /sinodb/critical_files/sqlhosts/sinodb.6
64                   2022-03-07 15:05:24        0.0 /sinodb/0/20/sinodb.1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$



[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -g arc

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:35:28 -- 2374324 Kbytes

num   DBSpace            Q Size Q Len  Buffer partnum    size     scanner

Dbspaces - Archive Status
name               number level date             log        log-position
rootdbs            1      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x12018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0xd018    
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x13018   
llogdbs            2      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
plogdbs            3      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
bindbs1            7      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
sbdbs1             8      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x18018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
datadbs1           9      0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
datadbs2           10     0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
datadbs3           11     0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
datadbs4           12     0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   
datadbs5           13     0     03/07/2022.11:22 16         0x1d018   
                          1     03/07/2022.14:34 18         0x16018   
                          2     03/07/2022.14:53 19         0x1b018   

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$



 Cannot open chunk '/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1'



[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onninit -vy
bash: onninit: command not found...
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ oninit -vy
Reading configuration file '/home/informix/sinodb/etc/onconfig.sinodb'...succeeded
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 22166 kbytes...succeeded
Creating infos file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.infos.sinodb"...succeeded
Linking conf file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.conf.sinodb"...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 32768 (1024K)... rlock_t (13281K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded
Initialization of Encryption...succeeded
Initializing ASF...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded
Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initializing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 32 flushers...succeeded
Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Opening primary chunks...oninit: Cannot open chunk '/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1'. errno = 2
Validating chunks...succeeded
Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded
Starting B-tree Scanner...succeeded
Init ReadAhead Daemon...succeeded
Init DB Util Daemon...succeeded
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded

上一篇:【Qt QML】TabBar的用法
