

深度域适应中,有一类方法是实现目标域和源域的特征对齐,特征对齐的衡量函数主要包括MMD,MK-MMD,A-distance,CORAL loss, Wasserstein distance等等。本文总结了常用的特征变换对齐的函数定义。




MMD 多核函数定义
# Compute MMD (maximum mean discrepancy) using numpy and scikit-learn.

import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics

def mmd_linear(X, Y):
    """MMD using linear kernel (i.e., k(x,y) = <x,y>)
    Note that this is not the original linear MMD, only the reformulated and faster version.
    The original version is:
        def mmd_linear(X, Y):
            XX = np.dot(X, X.T)
            YY = np.dot(Y, Y.T)
            XY = np.dot(X, Y.T)
            return XX.mean() + YY.mean() - 2 * XY.mean()

        X {[n_sample1, dim]} -- [X matrix]
        Y {[n_sample2, dim]} -- [Y matrix]

        [scalar] -- [MMD value]
    delta = X.mean(0) - Y.mean(0)
    return delta.dot(delta.T)

def mmd_rbf(X, Y, gamma=1.0):
    """MMD using rbf (gaussian) kernel (i.e., k(x,y) = exp(-gamma * ||x-y||^2 / 2))

        X {[n_sample1, dim]} -- [X matrix]
        Y {[n_sample2, dim]} -- [Y matrix]

    Keyword Arguments:
        gamma {float} -- [kernel parameter] (default: {1.0})

        [scalar] -- [MMD value]
    XX = metrics.pairwise.rbf_kernel(X, X, gamma)
    YY = metrics.pairwise.rbf_kernel(Y, Y, gamma)
    XY = metrics.pairwise.rbf_kernel(X, Y, gamma)
    return XX.mean() + YY.mean() - 2 * XY.mean()

def mmd_poly(X, Y, degree=2, gamma=1, coef0=0):
    """MMD using polynomial kernel (i.e., k(x,y) = (gamma <X, Y> + coef0)^degree)

        X {[n_sample1, dim]} -- [X matrix]
        Y {[n_sample2, dim]} -- [Y matrix]

    Keyword Arguments:
        degree {int} -- [degree] (default: {2})
        gamma {int} -- [gamma] (default: {1})
        coef0 {int} -- [constant item] (default: {0})

        [scalar] -- [MMD value]
    XX = metrics.pairwise.polynomial_kernel(X, X, degree, gamma, coef0)
    YY = metrics.pairwise.polynomial_kernel(Y, Y, degree, gamma, coef0)
    XY = metrics.pairwise.polynomial_kernel(X, Y, degree, gamma, coef0)
    return XX.mean() + YY.mean() - 2 * XY.mean()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = np.arange(1, 10).reshape(3, 3)
    b = [[7, 6, 5], [4, 3, 2], [1, 1, 8], [0, 2, 5]]
    b = np.array(b)
    print(mmd_linear(a, b))  # 6.0
    print(mmd_rbf(a, b))  # 0.5822
    print(mmd_poly(a, b))  # 2436.5
 A-distance 函数定义
# Compute A-distance using numpy and sklearn
# Reference: Analysis of representations in domain adaptation, NIPS-07.

import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm

def proxy_a_distance(source_X, target_X, verbose=False):
    Compute the Proxy-A-Distance of a source/target representation
    nb_source = np.shape(source_X)[0]
    nb_target = np.shape(target_X)[0]

    if verbose:
        print('PAD on', (nb_source, nb_target), 'examples')

    C_list = np.logspace(-5, 4, 10)

    half_source, half_target = int(nb_source/2), int(nb_target/2)
    train_X = np.vstack((source_X[0:half_source, :], target_X[0:half_target, :]))
    train_Y = np.hstack((np.zeros(half_source, dtype=int), np.ones(half_target, dtype=int)))

    test_X = np.vstack((source_X[half_source:, :], target_X[half_target:, :]))
    test_Y = np.hstack((np.zeros(nb_source - half_source, dtype=int), np.ones(nb_target - half_target, dtype=int)))

    best_risk = 1.0
    for C in C_list:
        clf = svm.SVC(C=C, kernel='linear', verbose=False)
        clf.fit(train_X, train_Y)

        train_risk = np.mean(clf.predict(train_X) != train_Y)
        test_risk = np.mean(clf.predict(test_X) != test_Y)

        if verbose:
            print('[ PAD C = %f ] train risk: %f  test risk: %f' % (C, train_risk, test_risk))

        if test_risk > .5:
            test_risk = 1. - test_risk

        best_risk = min(best_risk, test_risk)

    return 2 * (1. - 2 * best_risk)
 CORAL loss函数定义
# Compute CORAL loss using pytorch
# Reference: DCORAL: Correlation Alignment for Deep Domain Adaptation, ECCV-16.

import torch

def CORAL_loss(source, target):
    d = source.data.shape[1]
    ns, nt = source.data.shape[0], target.data.shape[0]
    # source covariance
    xm = torch.mean(source, 0, keepdim=True) - source
    xc = xm.t() @ xm / (ns - 1)

    # target covariance
    xmt = torch.mean(target, 0, keepdim=True) - target
    xct = xmt.t() @ xmt / (nt - 1)

    # frobenius norm between source and target
    loss = torch.mul((xc - xct), (xc - xct))
    loss = torch.sum(loss) / (4*d*d)
    return loss

# Another implementation:
# Two implementations are the same. Just different formulation format.
# def CORAL(source, target):
#     d = source.size(1)
#     ns, nt = source.size(0), target.size(0)
#     # source covariance
#     tmp_s = torch.ones((1, ns)).to(DEVICE) @ source
#     cs = (source.t() @ source - (tmp_s.t() @ tmp_s) / ns) / (ns - 1)

#     # target covariance
#     tmp_t = torch.ones((1, nt)).to(DEVICE) @ target
#     ct = (target.t() @ target - (tmp_t.t() @ tmp_t) / nt) / (nt - 1)

#     # frobenius norm
#     loss = torch.norm(cs - ct, p='fro').pow(2)
#     loss = loss / (4 * d * d)
#     return loss
Wasserstein loss函数定义
import math
import torch
import torch.linalg as linalg

def calculate_2_wasserstein_dist(X, Y):
    Calulates the two components of the 2-Wasserstein metric:
    The general formula is given by: d(P_X, P_Y) = min_{X, Y} E[|X-Y|^2]
    For multivariate gaussian distributed inputs z_X ~ MN(mu_X, cov_X) and z_Y ~ MN(mu_Y, cov_Y),
    this reduces to: d = |mu_X - mu_Y|^2 - Tr(cov_X + cov_Y - 2(cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2))
    Fast method implemented according to following paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.14075.pdf
    Input shape: [b, n] (e.g. batch_size x num_features)
    Output shape: scalar

    if X.shape != Y.shape:
        raise ValueError("Expecting equal shapes for X and Y!")

    # the linear algebra ops will need some extra precision -> convert to double
    X, Y = X.transpose(0, 1).double(), Y.transpose(0, 1).double()  # [n, b]
    mu_X, mu_Y = torch.mean(X, dim=1, keepdim=True), torch.mean(Y, dim=1, keepdim=True)  # [n, 1]
    n, b = X.shape
    fact = 1.0 if b < 2 else 1.0 / (b - 1)

    # Cov. Matrix
    E_X = X - mu_X
    E_Y = Y - mu_Y
    cov_X = torch.matmul(E_X, E_X.t()) * fact  # [n, n]
    cov_Y = torch.matmul(E_Y, E_Y.t()) * fact

    # calculate Tr((cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2)). with the method proposed in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.14075.pdf
    # The eigenvalues for M are real-valued.
    C_X = E_X * math.sqrt(fact)  # [n, n], "root" of covariance
    C_Y = E_Y * math.sqrt(fact)
    M_l = torch.matmul(C_X.t(), C_Y)
    M_r = torch.matmul(C_Y.t(), C_X)
    M = torch.matmul(M_l, M_r)
    S = linalg.eigvals(M) + 1e-15  # add small constant to avoid infinite gradients from sqrt(0)
    sq_tr_cov = S.sqrt().abs().sum()

    # plug the sqrt_trace_component into Tr(cov_X + cov_Y - 2(cov_X * cov_Y)^(1/2))
    trace_term = torch.trace(cov_X + cov_Y) - 2.0 * sq_tr_cov  # scalar

    # |mu_X - mu_Y|^2
    diff = mu_X - mu_Y  # [n, 1]
    mean_term = torch.sum(torch.mul(diff, diff))  # scalar

    # put it together




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下一篇:.NET 设计模式—单例模式(SingletonPattern)