
一般“大量的”“重大的”会用a great number of 、a great amount of 、a plenty of 、great等,这些表达都过于trivial ,用好substantial、considerable、significant 会对写作增色不少。

一、对于可数事物,用a considerable number of 、或substantial numbers of ,例如:

A considerable number of GPUs are used in training the Large Model.(大量的GPU用于训练大模型。)

Substantial numbers of users outsource their data to the cloud. In this context, data auditing especially data integrity auditing has turned out to be a crucial requirement for users. (大量的用户将数据存在云上。在这种背景/情形下,数据审计特别是数据完整性审计就成为用户的关键需求。)

注意,虽然有a number of improvements/achievements,但不要用a considerable number of形容improvements 、achievements 等,那样有点过于夸张了,更不要用substantial numbers of 形容这些名词。

二、对于improvement、achievement(一般是单数,有时复数形式)等、以及不可数事物,直接用substantial、considerable和significant 形容,例如:

Considerable/Substantial/Significant achievement in deep learning like image recognition and natural language processing opened the door to the AI era. (深度学习的大量/重大/显著成果(图像识别、自然语言处理等)打开了AI时代的大门。)

Considerable/Substantial/Significant improvement of performances in terms of ……renders the system applicable eventually.(……方面性能的大量/重大/显著改进使系统最终进入了实用。)

Considerable/Substantial/Significant investments are required for the ambitious plan. (这个雄心勃勃的计划需要大量投资。)

A considerable/substantial/significant decline in quality led to a disastrous result.(质量的大幅下滑导致了灾难性的后果。)

The institution received considerable/substantial/significant financial support but failed in its efforts to realize controllable nuclear fusion. (该机构获得大量资金支持,但是实现受控核聚变的努力还是失败了。)

As illustrated in Fig.5, the proposed scheme achieves considerable/significant improvement in efficiency of communication and computation compared with existing schemes.(如图5所示,所提出的方案在通信、计算效率方面比已有方案有显著改善。)




