
sFlow-RT™ incorporates InMon's asynchronous analytics technology (patent pending), delivering real-time visibility to Software Defined Networking (SDN), DevOps and Orchestration stacks and enabling new classes of performance aware application such as load balancing, DDoS protection, and workload placement.


The sFlow-RT analytics engine receives a continuous telemetry stream from sFlow Agents embedded in network devices, hosts and applications and converts them into actionable metrics, accessible through the RESTflow™ API. The RESTflow API makes it easy for to configure customized measurements, retrieve metrics, set thresholds, and receive notifications. Applications can be external, written in any language that supports HTTP/REST calls, or internal, using sFlow-RT's embedded JavaScript/ECMAScript.

Network visibility is essential to understanding the interaction between scale-out services running on cloud infrastructure. By combining network, host and application monitoring within an integrated analytics pipeline, sFlow-RT provides visibility into applications and the server and network resources needed to sustain performance.


Visit sFlow-RT.com to download sFlow-RT software and applications.


Please post questions, suggestions and applications to the sFlow-RT group.

Commercial use

Contact sales@inmon.com to discuss commercial licensing options for sFlow-RT.



Download and install

sFlow-RT requires Java 1.7+. The following commands download, install and run the software:

wget http://www.inmon.com/products/sFlow-RT/sflow-rt.tar.gz
tar -xvzf sflow-rt.tar.gz
cd sflow-rt

Alternatively, the following command runs sFlow-RT in a Docker container (see sflow/sflow-rt):

docker run -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rt

Use a web browser to connect to http://localhost:8008 to interact with the REST API.

The software is also available as RPM and DEB packages:

Software is installed under the path /usr/local/sflow-rt/ and log files are directed to /usr/local/sflow-rt/log/sflow-rt-<N>.log

Note There are no access controls built into sFlow-RT. However, HTTP access can be restricted to the local host by settings the http.hostname property to and a reverse proxy can then be used to secure remote access to the API. For example, the following Apache configuration settings make the interface accessible on port 80 under the path /sflow-rt/

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests off
ProxyVia off
ProxyPass /sflow-rt/ retry=0 timeout=5
ProxyPassReverse /sflow-rt/
<Location /sflow-rt/>
# insert access policy

Please read and accept the License Agreement before downloading this software.


The following command (run in the sFlow-RT home directory) downloads and installs an application:

./get-app.sh sflow-rt dashboard-example

The following applications are currently available on GitHub:

User Application Description
sflow-rt dashboard-example Real-time dashboard example
sflow-rt flow-graph Real-time graph of network associations
sflow-rt top-flows Real-time top network flows table
sflow-rt svg-weather Real-time network weathermap example
sflow-rt fabric-view Real-time visibility for leaf / spine ECMP fabrics
sflow-rt ddos-blackhole Real-time DDoS flood mitigation using null route
sflow-rt active-routes Real-time active BGP route cache
sflow-rt sflow-test Test data center switch sFlow implementation
sflow-rt ix-metrics Real-time monitoring of Internet Exchange (IX) traffic
sflow-rt mininet-dashboard Real-time dashboard for Mininet
sflow-rt world-map Real-time traffic displayed on world map
pphaal ovs-2015 Overlay/underlay network virtualization visibility demo
pphaal sc15-weather SC15 SCinet real-time weathermap

Writing Applications provides an introduction describing the structure of an sFlow-RT application. Post information on new applications to the sFlow-RT group to have them listed.


Please post questions, suggestions and applications to the sFlow-RT group.

Production use

Contact sales@inmon.com to discuss production licensing options for sFlow-RT.

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