#include "Runtime/Engine/Classes/Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"
void AMyFPS_Character::OnMoveingOrRot()
if (GEngine != nullptr)
FHitResult hit;
auto temp_startPos = GetActorLocation();
auto temp_rota = GetActorRotation();
auto temp_endPos = FRotationMatrix(temp_rota).GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X) * 500.0f; // +
m_bodyInstance.LineTrace(hit, temp_startPos, temp_endPos, false, false);
if (hit.Actor != nullptr && hit.Actor != this)
m_operaTarget = hit.Actor;
//Exa 2
//In player controller class
//location the PC is focused on
const FVector Start = GetFocalLocation();
//256 units in facing direction of PC (256 units in front of the camera)
const FVector End = Start + GetControlRotation().Vector() * 256;
//The trace data is stored here
FHitResult HitData(ForceInit);
//If Trace Hits anything
if( UMyStaticFunctionLibrary::Trace(GetWorld(),GetPawn(),Start,End,HitData) )
//Print out the name of the traced actor
//Print out distance from start of trace to impact point
ClientMessage("Trace Distance: " + FString::SanitizeFloat(HitData.Distance));