1 对于一个包含N个像素的图像而言,如果对这个图像聚类为K个超像素块,那么每个超像素的范围大小为N/K个。如果每个超像素区域长和宽都均匀分布的话,那么每个像素的跨度为STEP=sqrt(N/K)
2 利用上面的数据对K-means聚类中心点尽心初始化,不过在初始化之后还需要注意一点。为了保证选出来的中心点不在像素的边缘上所以需要对对求出的中心点的便于梯度进行一个对比排除。就是和周围的8个像素点尽心比较直到找到像素梯度最小的点作为中心点。初始化之后就进行k-means聚类操作。
3 聚类之后还需要有一个增强处理,以便于将一个区域围起来的独立的像素点给归并到某一类中。
- void SLIC::DoSuperpixelSegmentation_ForGivenNumberOfSuperpixels(
- const unsigned int* ubuff,
- const int width,
- const int height,
- int*& klabels,
- int& numlabels,
- const int& K,//required number of superpixels
- const double& compactness)//weight given to spatial distance
- {
- const int superpixelsize = 0.5+double(width*height)/double(K);//每一个超像素的大小
- DoSuperpixelSegmentation_ForGivenSuperpixelSize(ubuff,width,height,klabels,numlabels,superpixelsize,compactness);
- }
- void SLIC::DoSuperpixelSegmentation_ForGivenSuperpixelSize(
- const unsigned int* ubuff,
- const int width,
- const int height,
- int*& klabels,
- int& numlabels,
- const int& superpixelsize,
- const double& compactness)
- {
- const int STEP = sqrt(double(superpixelsize))+0.5;
- vector<double> kseedsl(0);
- vector<double> kseedsa(0);
- vector<double> kseedsb(0);
- vector<double> kseedsx(0);
- vector<double> kseedsy(0);
- m_width = width;
- m_height = height;
- int sz = m_width*m_height;
- for( int s = 0; s < sz; s++ ) klabels[s] = -1;
- DoRGBtoLABConversion(ubuff, m_lvec, m_avec, m_bvec);
- bool perturbseeds(true);//perturb seeds is not absolutely necessary, one can set this flag to false
- vector<double> edgemag(0);
- if(perturbseeds) DetectLabEdges(m_lvec, m_avec, m_bvec, m_width, m_height, edgemag);
- GetLABXYSeeds_ForGivenStepSize(kseedsl,kseedsa,kseedsb,kseedsx,kseedsy,STEP,perturbseeds,edgemag);
- PerformSuperpixelSLIC(kseedsl,kseedsa, kseedsb, kseedsx, kseedsy, klabels, STEP, edgemag,compactness);
- numlabels = kseedsl.size();
- int* nlabels = new int[sz];
- EnforceLabelConnectivity(klabels,m_width, m_height, nlabels, numlabels, double(sz)/double(STEP*STEP));
- {for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) klabels[i] = nlabels[i];}
- if(nlabels) delete [] nlabels;
- }
- void SLIC::DetectLabEdges(
- const double* lvec,
- const double* avec,
- const double* bvec,
- const int& width,
- const int& height,
- vector<double>& edges)
- {
- int sz = width*height;
- edges.resize(sz,0);
- for( int j = 1; j < height-1; j++ )
- {
- for( int k = 1; k < width-1; k++ )
- {
- int i = j*width+k;
- double dx = (lvec[i-1]-lvec[i+1])*(lvec[i-1]-lvec[i+1]) +
- (avec[i-1]-avec[i+1])*(avec[i-1]-avec[i+1]) +
- (bvec[i-1]-bvec[i+1])*(bvec[i-1]-bvec[i+1]);
- double dy = (lvec[i-width]-lvec[i+width])*(lvec[i-width]-lvec[i+width]) +
- (avec[i-width]-avec[i+width])*(avec[i-width]-avec[i+width]) +
- (bvec[i-width]-bvec[i+width])*(bvec[i-width]-bvec[i+width]);
- edges[i] = dx*dx + dy*dy;
- }
- }
- }
- void SLIC::GetLABXYSeeds_ForGivenStepSize(
- vector<double>& kseedsl,
- vector<double>& kseedsa,
- vector<double>& kseedsb,
- vector<double>& kseedsx,
- vector<double>& kseedsy,
- const int& STEP,
- const bool& perturbseeds,
- const vector<double>& edgemag)
- {
- const bool hexgrid = false;
- int numseeds(0);
- int n(0);
- int xstrips = (0.5+double(m_width)/double(STEP));//向上取整
- int ystrips = (0.5+double(m_height)/double(STEP));
- int xerr = m_width - STEP*xstrips;if(xerr < 0){xstrips--;xerr = m_width - STEP*xstrips;}
- int yerr = m_height - STEP*ystrips;if(yerr < 0){ystrips--;yerr = m_height- STEP*ystrips;}
- double xerrperstrip = double(xerr)/double(xstrips);
- double yerrperstrip = double(yerr)/double(ystrips);
- int xoff = STEP/2;
- int yoff = STEP/2;
- numseeds = xstrips*ystrips;//表明生成numseeds个超像素块
- kseedsl.resize(numseeds);
- kseedsa.resize(numseeds);
- kseedsb.resize(numseeds);
- kseedsx.resize(numseeds);
- kseedsy.resize(numseeds);
- for( int y = 0; y < ystrips; y++ )
- {
- int ye = y*yerrperstrip;
- for( int x = 0; x < xstrips; x++ )
- {
- int xe = x*xerrperstrip;
- int seedx = (x*STEP+xoff+xe);
- int seedy = (y*STEP+yoff+ye);
- int i = seedy*m_width + seedx;
- kseedsl[n] = m_lvec[i];
- kseedsa[n] = m_avec[i];
- kseedsb[n] = m_bvec[i];
- kseedsx[n] = seedx;
- kseedsy[n] = seedy;
- n++;
- }
- }//初始化聚类的中心点
- if(perturbseeds)
- {
- PerturbSeeds(kseedsl, kseedsa, kseedsb, kseedsx, kseedsy, edgemag);
- }
- }
- void SLIC::PerturbSeeds(
- vector<double>& kseedsl,
- vector<double>& kseedsa,
- vector<double>& kseedsb,
- vector<double>& kseedsx,
- vector<double>& kseedsy,
- const vector<double>& edges)
- {
- const int dx8[8] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1};
- const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
- int numseeds = kseedsl.size();
- for( int n = 0; n < numseeds; n++ )
- {
- int ox = kseedsx[n];//original x
- int oy = kseedsy[n];//original y
- int oind = oy*m_width + ox;
- int storeind = oind;
- for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- int nx = ox+dx8[i];//new x
- int ny = oy+dy8[i];//new y
- if( nx >= 0 && nx < m_width && ny >= 0 && ny < m_height)
- {
- int nind = ny*m_width + nx;
- if( edges[nind] < edges[storeind])
- {
- storeind = nind;
- }
- }
- }
- if(storeind != oind)
- {
- kseedsx[n] = storeind%m_width;
- kseedsy[n] = storeind/m_width;
- kseedsl[n] = m_lvec[storeind];
- kseedsa[n] = m_avec[storeind];
- kseedsb[n] = m_bvec[storeind];
- }
- }
- }
- void SLIC::PerformSuperpixelSLIC(
- vector<double>& kseedsl,
- vector<double>& kseedsa,
- vector<double>& kseedsb,
- vector<double>& kseedsx,
- vector<double>& kseedsy,
- int*& klabels,
- const int& STEP,
- const vector<double>& edgemag,
- const double& M)
- {
- int sz = m_width*m_height;
- const int numk = kseedsl.size();
- int offset = STEP;
- vector<double> clustersize(numk, 0);
- vector<double> inv(numk, 0);//to store 1/clustersize[k] values
- vector<double> sigmal(numk, 0);
- vector<double> sigmaa(numk, 0);
- vector<double> sigmab(numk, 0);
- vector<double> sigmax(numk, 0);
- vector<double> sigmay(numk, 0);
- vector<double> distvec(sz, DBL_MAX);
- double invwt = 1.0/((STEP/M)*(STEP/M));
- int x1, y1, x2, y2;
- double l, a, b;
- double dist;
- double distxy;
- for( int itr = 0; itr < 10; itr++ )
- {
- distvec.assign(sz, DBL_MAX);
- for( int n = 0; n < numk; n++ )
- {
- y1 = max(0.0, kseedsy[n]-offset);
- y2 = min((double)m_height, kseedsy[n]+offset);
- x1 = max(0.0, kseedsx[n]-offset);
- x2 = min((double)m_width, kseedsx[n]+offset);
- for( int y = y1; y < y2; y++ )
- {
- for( int x = x1; x < x2; x++ )
- {
- int i = y*m_width + x;
- l = m_lvec[i];
- a = m_avec[i];
- b = m_bvec[i];
- dist =(l-kseedsl[n])*(l-kseedsl[n])+(a-kseedsa[n])*(a-kseedsa[n])+(b-kseedsb[n])*(b-kseedsb[n]);
- distxy=(x-kseedsx[n])*(x-kseedsx[n])+(y -kseedsy[n])*(y - kseedsy[n]);
- dist += distxy*invwt;
- if( dist < distvec[i] )
- {
- distvec[i] = dist;//label的距离
- klabels[i] = n;//表明属于哪个label
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sigmal.assign(numk, 0);
- sigmaa.assign(numk, 0);
- sigmab.assign(numk, 0);
- sigmax.assign(numk, 0);
- sigmay.assign(numk, 0);
- clustersize.assign(numk, 0);
- int ind(0);
- for( int r = 0; r < m_height; r++ )
- {
- for( int c = 0; c < m_width; c++ )
- {
- sigmal[klabels[ind]] += m_lvec[ind];//统计当前的l颜色通道的数据
- sigmaa[klabels[ind]] += m_avec[ind];
- sigmab[klabels[ind]] += m_bvec[ind];
- sigmax[klabels[ind]] += c;
- sigmay[klabels[ind]] += r;
- clustersize[klabels[ind]] += 1.0;//相应的label中的计数增加1
- ind++;
- }
- }
- for( int k = 0; k < numk; k++ )
- {
- if( clustersize[k] <= 0 ) clustersize[k] = 1;
- inv[k] = 1.0/clustersize[k];//computing inverse now to multiply, than divide later
- }
- for( int k = 0; k < numk; k++ )
- {
- kseedsl[k] = sigmal[k]*inv[k];//更新中心点
- kseedsa[k] = sigmaa[k]*inv[k];
- kseedsb[k] = sigmab[k]*inv[k];
- kseedsx[k] = sigmax[k]*inv[k];
- kseedsy[k] = sigmay[k]*inv[k];
- }
- }
- }
- void SLIC::EnforceLabelConnectivity(
- const int* labels,
- const int width,
- const int height,
- int*& nlabels,//new labels
- int& numlabels,
- const int& K) //the number of superpixels desired by the user
- {
- const int dx4[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};//相应的像素的四个方向,左右上下
- const int dy4[4] = { 0, -1, 0, 1};
- const int sz = width*height;
- const int SUPSZ = sz/K;//超像素大小
- for( int i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) nlabels[i] = -1;
- int label(0);
- int* xvec = new int[sz];
- int* yvec = new int[sz];
- int oindex(0);
- int adjlabel(0);//adjacent label
- for( int j = 0; j < height; j++ )
- {
- for( int k = 0; k < width; k++ )
- {
- if( 0 > nlabels[oindex] )//找出相应的位置的label
- {
- nlabels[oindex] = label;
- xvec[0] = k;
- yvec[0] = j;
- for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ )
- {
- int x = xvec[0] + dx4[n];
- int y = yvec[0] + dy4[n];
- if( (x >= 0 && x < width) && (y >= 0 && y < height) )
- {
- int nindex = y*width + x;
- if(nlabels[nindex] >= 0) adjlabel = nlabels[nindex];
- }
- }
- int count(1);
- for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ )
- {
- for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ )
- {
- int x = xvec[c] + dx4[n];
- int y = yvec[c] + dy4[n];
- if( (x >= 0 && x < width) && (y >= 0 && y < height) )
- {
- int nindex = y*width + x;
- if(0>nlabels[nindex]&&labels[oindex]==labels[nindex] )
- {
- xvec[count] = x;
- yvec[count] = y;
- nlabels[nindex] = label;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(count <= SUPSZ >> 2)//搜索范围为以某一个像素为中心点的2倍范围
- {
- for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ )
- {
- int ind = yvec[c]*width+xvec[c];
- nlabels[ind] = adjlabel;//将相应的label设置为附近的标签
- }
- label--;
- }
- label++;
- }
- oindex++;
- }
- }
- numlabels = label;
- if(xvec) delete [] xvec;
- if(yvec) delete [] yvec;
- }