vimperator confugration files
:highlight Hint color:#000;background:rgb(250,230,150);border-radius:4px;width:20px;height:16px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bolder;border:2px solid rgb(250,200,50);box-shadow:2px 2px 5px rgb(80,80,80);text-align:center;
:highlight HintElem color:#00f;
:highlight CmdLine color:#000;font-weight:bolder;
:set hintchars=asdfghjkl
:set maxitems=5
make a colortest.vimp file in c:/user/../vimperator/color
then call in firefox use following commond
:colorscheme colortest
this can change the 'f' function in another color style and change hintchars from 123.. to asfd..
:noremap j 3j
this can change has been already mapped shortcut keyboard in other way use map to maping
:map q gT
:map w gt
set the 'q''w' map to change the tab in firefox
store the setting in files in another words when you run firefox next time the setting you take will automatic loading
:set toolbars=none
this command can display all the toolbars such as navigator, menu, tabs and so on
Esc key: | escape from any mode. If you find out keys not working, you may in some mode such as search, Insert or other modes; Press Esc to escape; |
[num]gt or C-n: | go to next or nth (if num is provided) tab; |
gT or C-p: | go to the previous tab; |
g0 or g^: | go to the first tab; |
g$: | go to the last tab; |
gf or :view | view the source in the current tab; |
gh or gH: | go to home page or new tab with home page; |
gu or gU: | go up parent link or root; |
gi: | focus the last used input field; |
gb or gB | Repeat last :buffer! command or reversely. Convenient to switch back to previous visited tab. |
:buffers or b or B | Show a list of current buffers(tabs). B lists more detailed information such as % for current tab # for previous tab. |
S-h or C-o: | go to the previous history link; |
S-l or C-i: | go to the next history link; |
f or F: | hint mode to display links by number. F for open link in a new tab; |
;{keys}: | hint mode by command keys: |
a or s: | save a link (prompt dialog or no dialog); |
o or t: | open a link in current tab or new tab; |
O or T: | open a link in current tab or new tab with its command in the command area(bottom); |
v: | view source code in the current tab; |
y: | yank the link; |
Y: | yank the link’s text; |
o or t: | open a link in the current or new tab. You can type in a link in the command area then press enter key; |
O or T: | similar as above with the current link displayed; |
y: | yank the current link; |
a or A: | add or added the current link to bookmark; |
[num]h,j,k, or l: | move left, down, up or right by number if num is provided or by one as default; |
gg: | move to top; |
G: | move to button; |
C-d, C-u, C-b or C-f: | scroll down or up with half or full page; |
z{keys}: | zooming |
i: | zoom in; |
o: | zoom out; |
z: | back to 100%; |
:sav[eas]>: | save the current link to disk; |
/: | start search in Vimperator command area; |
n or N: | search forward or backward; |
:st[op] or C-c: | stop current loading; |
r or R: | fore to reload the current page(R for skipping the cache); |
d or :quita[ll]: | close the current tab or all tabs; |
u or :undoa[ll]: | undo closing one or all tabs; |
:restart: | restart Firefox; |
:ZQ: | quit and don’t save current session; |
:ZZ: | quit and save the current session; |
:ver: | displaying versions of Vimperator and Fixfox; |
:addon | displaying firefox’s addon; |
:sbar | open sidebar window with optional selection: Bookmarks, History, Add-ons, Downloads, Preferences… |
:sbclose | close sidebar window |
:saveas | save current document to disk with prompt where to save. |
:addons | open all the add-ons and themes in the current tab. |
: xall | Save the session and quit |