我觉得这里类似于excel中的vlookup函数 笛卡尔乘积现象:表1有m行,表2有n行,结果有m*n行 如何发生:没有有效的连接条件
sql99标准【推荐】:支持内连接+外连接(左外和右外)+交叉连接 按照功能分类:
内连接:等值连接,非等值连接,自连接 外连接:左外连接,右外连接,全外连接 交叉连接
use girls;
select * from beauty;#12行
select * from boys; #4行
select name,boyName from beauty,boys; #48行,这样是错的
select name,boyName from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id; #一、sql92标准
(5)可以搭配之前讲过的语法,例如order by,group by等
select 查询列表 from 表1 别名,表2,别名 【where 筛选】【group by 分组】【having 筛选条件】【order by排序】 */
select name,boyName from beauty,boys where beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id; #案例2:查询员工名和对应的部门名
use myemployees;
select last_name,department_name from employees,departments where employees.department_id=departments.department_id; #2.为表取别名
(2)区分多个重名的字段 注意:如果为表起了别名,则查询的字段就不能使用原来的表名取限定
# 查询员工名,工种号,工种名
select e.last_name,e.job_id,j.job_title from employees as e,jobs as j where e.job_id=j.job_id; #3.两个表的顺序是否可以调换(可以)
# 查询员工名,工种号,工种名
select e.last_name,e.job_id,j.job_title from jobs as j,employees as e where e.job_id=j.job_id; #4.可以做筛选吗
where e.commission_pct is not null #筛选条件
use myemployees;
select last_name,department_name, commission_pct from employees as e,departments as d where e.department_id=d.department_id and e.commission_pct is not null; #案例2:查询城市名中第二个字符为o, 对应的部门名和城市名
select department_name,city from departments as d,locations as l where d.location_id=l.location_id and l.city like "_o%"; #5.可以加分组? #案例1:查询每个城市的部门个数
select count(*) as "个数",city from departments as d,locations as l where d.location_id=l.location_id group by city; #案例2:查询有奖金的每个部门的部门名和部门领导编号,以及该部门的最低工资
select min(salary),department_name,e.manager_id from employees as e,departments as d where e.department_id=d.department_id and e.commission_pct is not null group by d.department_name,e.manager_id; #6.可以加排序 #7.可以实现三表连接吗?
# 案例:查询员工名、部门名和所在的城市
select last_name,department_name,city from employees as e,departments as d,locations as l where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=l.location_id; # 2.非等值连接
# 首先创建一个job_grades表
CREATE TABLE job_grades
(grade_level VARCHAR(3),
lowest_sal int,
highest_sal int); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES ('A', 1000, 2999); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES ('B', 3000, 5999); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('C', 6000, 9999); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('D', 10000, 14999); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('E', 15000, 24999); INSERT INTO job_grades
VALUES('F', 25000, 40000);
# 查看job_grades表
use myemployees;
select * from job_grades; #案例1:查询员工的工资和工资级别;
select salary,grade_level from employees as e,job_grades as jg where salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal;
# 加筛选条件
select salary,grade_level from employees as e,job_grades as jg where salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal and jg.grade_level="A"; #3.自连接(没太明白,只知道在同一张表建立连接关系) #案例:查询 员工名和上级的名称
select employee_id,last_name,manager_id from employees;#错的 #案例:
已知表student 里面有id(学号),name,gradeID(年级编号)
已知表grade 里面有id(年级编号),name(年级名)
已知表result 里面有id,score,studentNo(学号)
要求查询姓名、年级名、成绩 select stu.name,gra.name,res.score from student as stu,grade as gra,result as res where stu.gradeID=gra.id and stu.id=res.studentNo; # 二、sql99标准【推荐】:支持内连接+外连接(左外和右外)+交叉连接
select 查询列表 from 表1 别名【连接类型】
join 表2 别名 on 连接条件 【where 筛选条件】【group by 分组】【having 筛选条件】【order by排序】
内连接 innner
左外 left 【outer】
右外 right 【outer】
全外 full 【outer】
select 查询列表 from 表1 别名 inner
join 表2 别名 on 连接条件;
use girls;
select name,boyName from beauty inner join boys on beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id; # 在别名,调换顺序,筛选等与sql92的内连接一致
where e.commission_pct is not null #筛选条件
use myemployees;
select last_name,department_name, commission_pct from employees as e inner join departments as d on e.department_id=d.department_id where e.commission_pct is not null; #2.非等值连接
select salary,grade_level from employees as e inner join job_grades as jg on salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal;
# 加筛选条件
select salary,grade_level from employees as e inner join job_grades as jg on salary between lowest_sal and highest_sal where jg.grade_level="A"; #3.自连接(没太明白,只知道在同一张表建立连接关系) #二、外连接
外连接的查询结果 = 内连接的查询结果+主表中有而从表中没有的记录 2.左外连接:left join左边的是主表
右外连接:right join右边的是主表 3.左外和右外交换2个表的顺序,可以实现同样的效果
4.全外连接 = 内连接的结果 + 表1中有但是表2中没有的 + 表2中有但是表1中没有的
use girls;
select * from beauty;
select * from boys;
引入:查询男朋友 不在男神表中的女神名字
# 我们先查下男朋友 在男神表中的女神名字
select name,boyName from beauty inner join boys on beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id;
select name,boyName from beauty left join boys on beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id; #右外连接
select name,boyName from boys right join beauty on beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id;
#以上左外和右外结果一致 #查询没有男朋友的
select name,boyName from beauty left join boys on beauty.boyfriend_id=boys.id where boys.boyName is null; #案例1:查询哪个部门没有员工
use myemployees;
select d.*,e.employee_id from departments as d left join employees as e on e.department_id=d.department_id where e.employee_id is null;
select d.*, e.employee_id from employees as e right join departments as d on e.department_id=d.department_id where e.employee_id is null; #全外 full join
use girls; #交叉连接
cross join
select name,boyName from beauty cross join boys; #sql92 PK sql99
左连接:left join 是left outer join的简写,它的全称是左外连接,是外连接中的一种。
右连接:right join是right outer join的简写,它的全称是右外连接,是外连接中的一种。