0. 前言
1. 查找重复记录
select * from 表 where 重复字段 in (select 重复字段 from 表 group by
重复字段 having count(*)>1)
select * from owner where qq in (select qq from owner group by qq
having count(*) > 1)
select * from sku where (product_id,sku_code) in (select product_id ,
sku_code from sku group by product_id, sku_code having count(*) > 1)
2. 删除重复记录
delete from 表 where id not in (select min(id) from 表 group by 重复字段 having
count(*)>1) and 重复字段 in (select 重复字段 from 表 group by 重复字段 having
但是按这种处理,会发现在mysql中会报错“You can’t specify target table ‘pms_sku’ for update in FROM clause”意思就是“不能在同一个sql语句中,先select同一个表的某些值,然后再update这个表”
delete from 表 where id in (select id from (select * from 表 where id not in (select min(id) from 表 group by 重复字段 having count(*)>1) and 重复字段 in (select 重复字段 from 表 group by 重复字段 having count(*)>1)
) 临时表)
这里同样以删除sku 中以商品id、商品sku_code两个重复字段处理为例:
delete from sku WHERE id in(select id from (select * FROM sku WHERE
(product_id,sku_code) IN (SELECT product_id,sku_code FROM sku GROUP BY
product_id,sku_code HAVING COUNT(*)>1) and id not in (select min(id) from sku
group by product_id,sku_code having count(*)>1)) a)
3. 最后