IT Helpdesk工程师实战培训之企业委托招聘岗位推荐-20191227

IT Helpdesk工程师实战培训之企业委托招聘岗位推荐-20191227

©Lander Zhang 专注外企按需IT运维服务,IT Helpdesk 实战培训践行者
IT Helpdesk 工程师实战培训课程:
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IT Helpdesk工程师实战培训之企业委托招聘岗位推荐-20191227

10多年的IT外包服务工作体验,让我深刻体味到客户对工程师的切实需求与实际潜在工程师整体技能的巨大鸿沟。工作之余的几乎所有时间,我都在积极推进IT Helpdesk工程师实战培训项目。

作为遵从“一技之长,学以致用”理念,系统和场景化IT Helpdesk工程师实战培训践行者,在实战培训之外,我还在打通培训完成后的项目实习和岗位就业,让整个项目形成良性的流动闭环。

受某上海英文培训连锁机构企业委托,帮助其推荐初级英文IT Helpdesk工程师岗位招聘,详细信息如下:

  • 委托客户:上海某英文培训连锁企业
  • 招聘类型:企业内招
  • 岗位:初级英文IT Helpdesk工程师
  • 薪资:7000~9000元/月
  • 工作地:上海静安寺
  • 到岗时间:2020年1月
  • 招聘岗位要求:
      1. 1~2年企业IT支持工作时间
      1. 英文可交流
      1. 认真积极主动

Job title:Tech Supporter (Fireman)

Job descriptions:

  • Connect with different departments internal and fix the technical problems rapidly.
  • Quick catch the equipment issues from teacher side and help them fix by remote or facetime.
  • Offer the consulting, guiding, explaining any technical related questions to teachers
  • Record, collect and track any technical problems and teacher feedback, provide the case studies and suggestions to HQ periodically.
  • Be responsible for developing a standard workflow. Write a help manual or FAQ as a standard service procedure.
  • Assist with other development teams to do the testing and maintenance, provide timely feedback for any bugs.

Job requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree, major in computer is a plus.
  • Have the basic IT knowledge, be familiar with software development and network.
  • Be familiar with the win7 & win8 & win10 & Mac system and remote tools.
  • With good communication skills and ability of multi-tasking and problem solving. Be willing to help people. Have self-motivation and a certain ability to withstand pressure.
  • Be able to use English as the working language.

Lander Zhang
手机:1363 648 8215

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