启用VTX技术支持启动android的虚拟机 - 报错


Starting emulator for AVD 'AVD_for_Android_TV_1080p_by_Google'
emulator: WARNING: Requested RAM size of 2048MB is too large for your environment, and is reduced to 1536MB.
emulator: device fd:516
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode
emulator: warning: opening audio input failed
emulator: Failed to sync vcpu reg
emulator: Failed to sync HAX vcpu context

在网上找了很久也没有找到解决办法,果断放弃了, 直接使用其他模拟器来搞吧。

暂时选择模拟器Genymotion, 需要下载VirtualBox 和 Genymotion

另外还需要在官网注册账号, https://www.genymotion.com

上一篇:Solr4.2迁移到新项目下异常:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme.
