/** * If true, replicate movement/location related properties. * Actor must also be set to replicate. * @see SetReplicates() * @see https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/Networking/Replication/ */ UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_ReplicateMovement, Category=Replication, EditDefaultsOnly) uint8 bReplicateMovement:1;
/** Used for replication of our RootComponent's position and velocity */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_ReplicatedMovement, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) struct FRepMovement ReplicatedMovement; /** Replicated movement data of our RootComponent. * Struct used for efficient replication as velocity and location are generally replicated together (this saves a repindex) * and velocity.Z is commonly zero (most position replications are for walking pawns). */ USTRUCT() struct ENGINE_API FRepMovement { GENERATED_BODY() /** Velocity of component in world space */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector LinearVelocity; /** Velocity of rotation for component */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector AngularVelocity; /** Location in world space */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FVector Location; /** Current rotation */ UPROPERTY(Transient) FRotator Rotation; /** If set, RootComponent should be sleeping. */ UPROPERTY(Transient) uint8 bSimulatedPhysicSleep : 1; /** If set, additional physic data (angular velocity) will be replicated. */ UPROPERTY(Transient) uint8 bRepPhysics : 1; /** Allows tuning the compression level for the replicated location vector. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) EVectorQuantization LocationQuantizationLevel; /** Allows tuning the compression level for the replicated velocity vectors. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) EVectorQuantization VelocityQuantizationLevel; /** Allows tuning the compression level for replicated rotation. You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artifacts. */ UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Replication, AdvancedDisplay) ERotatorQuantization RotationQuantizationLevel; }
ReplicatedMovement 仅仅是一个用来同步的中间值,并不是Actor的原始数据,对Actor的Transform操作并不会直接作用于 ReplicatedMovement,那么Actor的真实数据是怎么同步到 ReplicatedMovement然后再同步到客户端的呢?
void AActor::PreReplication( IRepChangedPropertyTracker & ChangedPropertyTracker ) { // Attachment replication gets filled in by GatherCurrentMovement(), but in the case of a detached root we need to trigger remote detachment. AttachmentReplication.AttachParent = nullptr; AttachmentReplication.AttachComponent = nullptr; GatherCurrentMovement(); DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE( AActor, ReplicatedMovement, bReplicateMovement ); // Don't need to replicate AttachmentReplication if the root component replicates, because it already handles it. DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE( AActor, AttachmentReplication, RootComponent && !RootComponent->GetIsReplicated() ); UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BPClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(GetClass()); if (BPClass != nullptr) { BPClass->InstancePreReplication(this, ChangedPropertyTracker); } }
void AActor::OnRep_ReplicatedMovement() { // Since ReplicatedMovement and AttachmentReplication are REPNOTIFY_Always (and OnRep_AttachmentReplication may call OnRep_ReplicatedMovement directly), // this check is needed since this can still be called on actors for which bReplicateMovement is false - for example, during fast-forward in replay playback. // When this happens, the values in ReplicatedMovement aren't valid, and must be ignored. if (!bReplicateMovement) { return; } #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) if (CVarDrawDebugRepMovement->GetInt() > 0) { DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), ReplicatedMovement.Location, GetSimpleCollisionHalfHeight(), GetSimpleCollisionRadius(), ReplicatedMovement.Rotation.Quaternion(), FColor(100, 255, 100), true, 1.f); } #endif if (RootComponent) { if (ActorReplication::SavedbRepPhysics != ReplicatedMovement.bRepPhysics) { // Turn on/off physics sim to match server. SyncReplicatedPhysicsSimulation(); } if (ReplicatedMovement.bRepPhysics) { // Sync physics state checkSlow(RootComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics()); // If we are welded we just want the parent's update to move us. UPrimitiveComponent* RootPrimComp = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(RootComponent); if (!RootPrimComp || !RootPrimComp->IsWelded()) { PostNetReceivePhysicState(); } } else { // Attachment trumps global position updates, see GatherCurrentMovement(). if (!RootComponent->GetAttachParent()) { if (Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy) { #if ENABLE_NAN_DIAGNOSTIC if (ReplicatedMovement.Location.ContainsNaN()) { logOrEnsureNanError(TEXT("AActor::OnRep_ReplicatedMovement found NaN in ReplicatedMovement.Location")); } if (ReplicatedMovement.Rotation.ContainsNaN()) { logOrEnsureNanError(TEXT("AActor::OnRep_ReplicatedMovement found NaN in ReplicatedMovement.Rotation")); } #endif PostNetReceiveVelocity(ReplicatedMovement.LinearVelocity); PostNetReceiveLocationAndRotation(); } } } } }
跟进PostNetReceiveVelocity,发现代码并没有实现,原来这就是问题所在,缺少了速度向量。。。那么,重写这个函数,在里面把代码补上就行了。当然,Actor必须要是同步的,并且要勾选 bReplicateMovement 。
void AActor::PostNetReceiveVelocity(const FVector& NewVelocity) { } //修改后的代码 void AActor::PostNetReceiveVelocity(const FVector& NewVelocity) { if (MovementComp) { MovementComp->Velocity = NewVelocity; } }
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