

Following the success of the magic cube, Mr. Rubik invented its planar version, called magic squares. This is a sheet composed of 8 equal-sized squares:
【广搜】魔板 In this task we consider the version where each square has a different color. Colors are denoted by the first 8 positive integers. A sheet configuration is given by the sequence of colors obtained by reading the colors of the squares starting at the upper left corner and going in clockwise direction. For instance, the configuration of Figure 3 is given by the sequence (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). This configuration is the initial configuration.
Three basic transformations, identified by the letters `A', `B' and `C', can be applied to a sheet:
'A': exchange the top and bottom row,
'B': single right circular shifting of the rectangle,
'C': single clockwise rotation of the middle four squares.
Below is a demonstration of applying the transformations to the initial squares given above:
【广搜】魔板 All possible configurations are available using the three basic transformations.
You are to write a program that computes a minimal sequence of basic transformations that transforms the initial configuration above to a specific target configuration.



A single line with eight space-separated integers (a permutation of {1..8}) that are the target configuration.



Line 1: A single integer that is the length of the shortest transformation sequence.
Line 2: The lexically earliest string of transformations expressed as a string of characters, 60 per line except possibly the last line.



2 6 8 4 5 7 3 1










  如想知道321是{1,2,3}中第几大的数,可以这样考虑:第一位是3,当第一位的数字小于3时,对应的排序数都小于321,如123,213,则小于3的数有1,2,所以有2*2!个;再看小于第二位数字2,小于2的数只有一个就是1,所以有1*1!= 1 。因此小于321的{1,2,3}排列共有2*2!+1*1!=5个,所以321是第六大的数。




  1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2 using namespace std;
  3 int F[] = {1,1,2,6,24,120,720,5040};    //F[i] = i!
  4 int g,st,prt[50005],b[1000000],step[50005];
  5 char a[50005];
  6 struct mb{
  7     int a[2][4];
  8 }start , goal,q[90000];
  9 int Turn(mb x) {                        // 康拓展开
 10     int res =0 ,t[8] , s;
 11     for(int i=0;i<4;i++)                // 构成序列
 12         t[i] = x.a[0][i] ;
 13     for(int i=3;i>=0;i--)
 14         t[7-i] = x.a[1][i] ;
 15     for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
 16         s = 0 ;
 17         for(int j=i+1;j<=7;j++){        //找后面小于t[i]的值
 18             if ( t[j] < t[i] ) s++;
 19         }
 20         res += F[7-i] * s;
 21     }
 22     return res ;
 23 }
 24 mb Change(int way,int num){             //三种基本操作
 25     mb temp ;
 26     if ( way == 1 ){                    // A
 27         for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
 28             temp.a[0][i] = q[num].a[1][i];
 29             temp.a[1][i] = q[num].a[0][i];
 30         }
 31         return temp;
 32     }
 33     else if( way == 2 ){                // B
 34         temp.a[0][0] = q[num].a[0][3];
 35         temp.a[1][0] = q[num].a[1][3];
 36         for(int i=1;i<4;i++){
 37             temp.a[0][i] = q[num].a[0][i-1];
 38             temp.a[1][i] = q[num].a[1][i-1];
 39         }
 40         return temp;
 41     }else{                              // C
 42         temp.a[0][0] = q[num].a[0][0];
 43         temp.a[0][3] = q[num].a[0][3];
 44         temp.a[1][0] = q[num].a[1][0];
 45         temp.a[1][3] = q[num].a[1][3];
 47         temp.a[0][1] = q[num].a[1][1];
 48         temp.a[0][2] = q[num].a[0][1];
 49         temp.a[1][2] = q[num].a[0][2];
 50         temp.a[1][1] = q[num].a[1][2];
 52         return temp;
 53     }
 54 }
 55 void Print(int num){                    //递归输出结果
 56     if ( num == 1 ) return ;
 57     Print(prt[num]);
 58     printf("%c",a[num]);
 59 }
 60 void BFS(){
 61     int Head = 1 , Tail = 1 ,t ;
 62     mb temp ;
 63     q[1] = start ;
 64     step[1] = 0 ;
 65     prt[1] = 1 ;
 66     while ( Head <= Tail ){
 67         for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){
 68             temp = Change(i,Head) ;
 69             t = Turn(temp) ;
 70             if( !b[t] ){
 71                 q[++Tail] = temp ;
 72                 step[Tail] = step[Head] + 1 ;
 73                 b[t] = 1 ;
 74                 prt[Tail] = Head;
 75                 a[Tail] = char('A' + i -1 );
 76                 if( t==g ){
 77                     cout << step[Tail] << endl;
 78                     Print(Tail);
 79                     return ;
 80                 }
 81             }
 82         }
 83         Head ++ ;
 84     }
 85 }
 86 int main()
 87 {
 88     for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
 89         start.a[0][i] = i+1 ;
 90     }
 91     for(int i=3;i>=0;i--){
 92         start.a[1][i] = 8-i;
 93     }
 94     st = Turn(start) ;
 95     b[st] = 1 ;
 96     for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
 97         cin >> goal.a[0][i];
 98     }
 99     for(int i=3;i>=0;i--){
100         cin >> goal.a[1][i];
101     }
102     g = Turn(goal);
103     if( g==st ){
104         cout << 0 ;return 0;
105     }
106     BFS();
107     return 0;
108 }


上一篇:codeforces 1283F. DIY Garland(树+优先队列)
