100-days: twelve

Title:   Mark Zuckerberg wants Facebook's to emulate China's WeChat, but can it?

  emulate v.效仿,模仿

As Mark Zuckerberg begins shifting Facebook to private messaging(通讯) and away from public sharing and open conversations, the vision(想象,愿景) he has sketched out for the future of social networking(社交网络) already exists——just not in the United States.

  shift sth  to A away from B  A转型的目标

  shift vt.改变;换挡;去掉;摆脱掉 vt.换…的衣服,更(衣);卖,出售;[计算机]使(数据)位移

     vi. (汽车)换挡;换衣服;蒙混;自己谋生

  private adj.私有的,私人的;秘密的,内心的;平民的,无官职的,士兵的;  n.列兵,士兵,[陆]二等兵

  conversation n.交谈,会话;交往,交际,会谈;(人与计算机的) 人机对话

   sketch out  勾勒;概述;草拟  sketch n./v. 素描,速写

  networking 更侧重于社交网络的行为  network  侧重社交网络这个现象、事情

Instead(相反,与第一段形成对比), it is a reality in China through(= do to ) a messaging app called WeChat.

  reality 前面加了个  a  ,表示它是可数名词,指事实,现实

To make Facebook a private messaging product, Zuckerberg may have a lot to learn from Allen Zhang, the creator of WeChat. Zhang is famous for his perfectionist pursuit of a well-designed(设计精良)  service(这里指微信这款软件提供的服务).

  perfectionist adj.追求完美的   perfect 完美的    perfectionism n.完美主义

  pursuit n.追求;寻找    pursue v.追求,实现

Zhang fought(fight的过去式) many internal(内部的) battles(战斗,较量) when Tencent's revenue department(营收部门)  pushed to put more ads on WeChat. In a four-hour speech earlier this year, he pondered(在演讲的现场让大家思考什么问题) the question of why there were not more ads on the messaging service, especially the opening-page(开始页,初始页) ads that are the norm in many other Chinese mobile apps.

  push v.促使,敦促;推动

  norm n.常态;规范;行为准则    social  norms 社会准则   ethical norms  道德准则

Many Chinese spend a lot of time——about one-third(三分之一) of their online time——on WeChat, he said. "If WeChat were a person, it would have to be your best friend so that you would be willing to spend so much time with it," he said. "How could I post an ad on the face of your best friend? Every time you see it, you'll have to watch an ad before you can talk to it."

Zhang, who has made restraint his product philosophy(应用程序背后的设计理念), has been lucky because Tencent makes most of its money from online games so that it does not need to sell ads for revenue(收益,财政收入;税收收入). Zucherberg does not have that luxury, given that(引导原因状语从句) he is trying to switch from an ad-based business(商业模式) into a different model. It will be far from an easy task to pull off(做到,搞定).

  restraint n.克制(偏向主观上的和内在的各种限制)    restrain v.限制,阻止    近义词 => constraint n.限制(指外观或客观上的各种限制)  budget constraint  预算上的限制

    moral and ethical restraints 道德和伦理上的限制

    self-restraint;  self-control  自我克制

  product n.(互联网)产品;制品

  philosophy n.理念,原则;哲学   one's philosophy of life 人生哲学

  luxury n.不常有的优势(或便利、享受);豪华,奢侈

  pull off 做成,完成(困难的事情);<口>脱衣服、鞋子    pull off your shoes


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