
命令行操作之Create Command

1、Create Connection Function
create connection --cid 1  说明:Create new connection object for connector with id <x>
sqoop:> create connection --cid
Creating connection for connector with id
Please fill following values to create new connection object
Name: jdbc
Connection configuration
JDBC Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JDBC Connection String: jdbc:mysql://hadoop000:3306/hive
Username: root
Password: ****
JDBC Connection Properties:
There are currently values in the map:
Security related configuration options
Max connections:
New connection was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id
2、Create Job Function
create job --xid 1    说明:Create new job object for connection with id <x>
create job --xid 1 --type import    说明:Create new job object with type <t> (import, export)
sqoop:> create job --xid  --type import
Creating job for connection with id
Please fill following values to create new job object
Name: tbls_import
Database configuration
Schema name: hive
Table name: TBLS
Table SQL statement:
Table column names:
Partition column name:
Nulls in partition column:
Boundary query:
Output configuration
Storage type:
Output format:
Compression format:
: LZ4
Output directory: hdfs://hadoop000:8020/sqoop2/tbls/
Throttling resources
New job was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id

命令行操作之Show Command

1、Show Server Function
说明:Show details about configuration connection to Sqoop server.
sqoop:> show server --all
Server host: localhost
Server port:
Server webapp: sqoop
sqoop:> show server --host
Server host: localhost
sqoop:> show server --port
Server port:
sqoop:> show server --webapp
Server webapp: sqoop
2、Show Option Function
Show values of various client side options. This function will show all client options when called without arguments.
sqoop:> show option --name verbose
Verbose = false
3、Show Version Function
Show versions of both client and server as well as supported protocols.
sqoop:> show version --all
client version:
Sqoop 1.99.-cdh5.0.0 revision Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Thu Mar :: PDT
server version:
Sqoop 1.99.-cdh5.0.0 revision Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Thu Mar :: PDT
Protocol version:
sqoop:> show version --client
client version:
Sqoop 1.99.-cdh5.0.0 revision Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Thu Mar :: PDT
sqoop:> show version --server
server version:
Sqoop 1.99.-cdh5.0.0 revision Unknown
Compiled by jenkins on Thu Mar :: PDT
sqoop:> show version --protocol
Protocol version:
4、Show Connector Function
Show connector meta data - parameters that connectors need in order to create new connection and job objects.
show connector --all
5、Show Connection Function 
show connection -all
show connection --xid
6、Show Job Function
show job --all
show job --jid

命令行操作之Update Command

1、Update Connection Function
update connection --xid  
2、Update Job Function 
update job --jid 

命令行操作之Delete Command

1、Delete Connection Function

delete connection --xid  

2、Delete Job Function

delete job --jid 

命令行操作之Clone Command

1、Clone Connection Function

clone connection --xid 

2、Clone Job Function

clone job --jid 

命令行操作之Submission Command

1、Submission Start Function
Start job (submit new submission). Starting already running job is considered as invalid operation.
start job --jid  -s
2、Submission Stop Function
Interrupt running job.
stop job  --jid 
3、Submission Status Function
Retrieve last status for given job.
status job --jid 
上一篇:Android 开发日常积累
