

JOSM is an extensible editor for ​OpenStreetMap (OSM) written in ​Java 7.

Currently it supports loading stand-alone GPX tracks and GPX track data from the OSM database as well as loading and editing existing nodes, ways, metadata tags and relations from the OSM database.

It is open source and licensed under GPL.

JOSM学习下载地址 Launch josm.jnlp (version 7480)

recommended version, all platforms, automatic update (​Web Start)

JOSM学习下载地址 Download josm-tested.jar (version 7480)

all platforms (how to run)

Windows installer (version 7480)

Mac OS X package (version 7480, requires ​Java 7). Users of Mountain Lion see Download

Latest development version (7538, josm-latest.jar) , Ubuntu package repository and other download options.

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