转:what is TWO_TASK


You Asked

what is the use of TWO_TASK environment variable ?
where can we use it ?

and we said...

If you are in a Unix environment, you can normally set 2 environment variables:

ORACLE_SID that will connect you to a local database identified by that home and sid. If you wanted
to be able to connect to a remote database or a database on that machine via SQLNet, you
can also set: TWO_TASK = <tnsconnect string> The setting of TWO_TASK overrides the ORACLE_SID when set. You will not connecting to a
local database with two_task but rather using sqlnet to connect to a remote database. So, instead of: $ sqlplus scott/tiger@some_db I can: $ setenv TWO_TASK some_db
$ sqlplus scott/tiger and the @some_db is implied.
Tom, In the above example, some_db should have been resolved using tnsnames.ora on the box from
which we connect to the remote database. Is it correct? Thanks.

Followup   December  05, 2003 - 11:27 am UTC

yes, the "local machine"

it could come from a variety of sources on that machine

$TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora for example
Why TWO? Why Task?
Thanks, Jan

Followup   March     05, 2007 - 2:15 pm UTC

because in days gone by - the 1980's - two tasks (having two tasks working together) just made 'sense'
Just like "modular code" and "subroutine" used to be commonly used... :)

