Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.1.1 发布,改进记录包括:
[OAK-2144] - Intermittent Node not found at given revision with
[OAK-2146] - empty resultset for PropertyIndex and multi-value
properties with mixed OR+AND
[OAK-2147] - [Ordered Index] Indexing on large content is slow
[OAK-2151] - DocumentNodeStore does not detect hierarchy conflict
[OAK-2157] - Better error message for getPrimaryItem
[OAK-2163] - Oak-run "checkpoint" and "backup" don't use memory
mapped files
[OAK-2166] - CacheConsistencyTest may fail with IllegalStateException
[OAK-2167] - Last revision recover incomplete
[OAK-2174] - Non-blocking reindexing doesn't finish properly
[OAK-2112] - DocumentNodeStore: Error calculating the machine id
[OAK-2115] - Turn async indexer checkpoint warning log to debug
[OAK-2143] - NodeObservor should catch exception in case event
[OAK-2156] - UserAuthentication: Allow Password Change Via
SimpleCredentials Attribute
[OAK-2158] - Fail for ACEs created for the admin principal
[OAK-2160] - mk.getRevisionHistory: clarify since parameter
[OAK-2161] - MicroKernelIT: clean test content
Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现。
jackrabbit-oak-1.1.1-src.zip (5.1M, source zip, PGP signature)
SHA1 checksum: 2ac6d1e63bc14d0d28b06584178432ce96912621
MD5 checksum: 37a0b6624c0d5bbec113f7a767d31ba7