java 异常匹配

抛出异常的时候,异常处理系统会安装代码书写顺序找出"最近"的处理程序. 找到匹配的程序后,它就认为异常将得到清理,然后就不再继续查找.


package exceptions;
//: exceptions/
// Catching exception hierarchies. class Annoyance extends Exception {}
class Sneeze extends Annoyance {} public class Human {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Catch the exact type:
try {
throw new Sneeze();
} catch(Sneeze s) {
System.out.println("Caught Sneeze");
} catch(Annoyance a) {
System.out.println("Caught Annoyance");
// Catch the base type:
try {
throw new Sneeze();
} catch(Annoyance a) {
System.out.println("Caught Annoyance");
} /* Output:
Caught Sneeze
Caught Annoyance


 try {
throw new Sneeze();
} catch(Annoyance a) {
} catch(Sneeze s) { //这句编译器会报错,异常已由前面catch子句处理

下一篇:Spring Bean Scope (作用域)