English trip V1 - 4.Do you have it? Teacher:Patrick Key: have - has doesn't have

In this lesson you will learn to describe what you have.


Do you have a ...?  # 你有...吗?





favorite song

Tell your tutor about it.


Jenny is twenty-eight years old.


She has brown hair and brown eyes.


She has a small nose and a big smile.         #   注:    nose     nurse  区分读音和拼写


She has two childern,and she lives with her family.


Mick is twenty-nine years old.


He is single and doesn't have any childern.


He likes traveling and meeting people.


He is a real outdoors person!


True(T) or False(F)

Jenny and Mick have big families.  F

Mick is single.

Does they have big families? # 变成疑问句

Jenny has three sisters.  F

Jenny has two children

Does she have three sisters?  # 变成疑问句

Mick is married.  F

He is single.

Is Mick married?   # 变成疑问句

Mick likes staying at home.   F

He is a real outdoors person!

Does Mick like staying at home?  # 变成疑问句

Ask and answer. 提问与回答

1. Does Jenny have blonde hair?  # blonde 金色的

No, she doesn't . Her hair is brown

2.Does Jenny live with her family?

Yes, she does

3.Does Mick like traveling?

Yes, he does

4.Does Mick have a wife?

No, he doesn't. He is single

I am thirty-two year old.I have black hair and black  sweater.

My daughter is two year old.She has a barbie doll,but she doesn't have find it!

I have a big family.

My family has a big house.

My best friend has a brother.

I don't have a bicycle.

I have a computer

I don't have a younger sister.

black suit jacket   黑色西装外套

yellow lamp 黄色的台灯

green grass  绿色草坪

straight hair    直发  #注     str ai gh t   这里的gh未发音

pink paper  粉色的纸

purple cloth [klɔθ]   紫色的布

blue shirt  蓝色的衬衫

red car  红色的撤

orange juice 橘子汁

brown hair  棕色的头发

blue sky 蓝色的天空

brown eyes  棕色的眼睛

Positive  正数

I/You/We/They have...

He/She/It has...

Negative  负数

I/You/We/They don't have...

He/She/It doesn't have...

Question   问题

Do I/you/we/they have...?

Does he/she/it have...?

Short  answer  简短的回答

Yes, I/you/we/they

No, I/you/we/they

Yes, he/she/it

No, he/she/it

Key words and sentences from the text 

Word list 

hobby ['hɑbi] n. 嗜好;业余爱好

juice [dʒus] n. (水果)汁,液;果汁

purple  ['pɝpl]  紫色

blonde [blɑnd] hair 金发


1. Jenny is twenty-eight years old.   珍妮28岁

2. He is single and doesn't have any children.  他是单身,没有小孩

3.He is a real outdoors person. 他真的是一个户外活动的人

4. They are similar ages. 他们年龄相仿


have a swim 去游泳

have a drink of  喝一杯

have a rest  休息一下

have a look at 看一下

have a class 有一节课

have some bread 有一些面包

have a sports competition 参加体育比赛

have a meeting 开一个会

have a bed cold 感冒了

have a party 有一个聚会


My dog has long tail. 我的狗有一条长尾巴

I never have a clean room.  我从来没有干净的房间。

The coffee has milk in it.   咖啡里面装着牛奶。    注:这里是不可数,所以也需要用has

They have the correct answer. 他们有正确的答案。

The flag of lsrael has a star on it   以色列国旗上有一颗星    # The flag of lsrael 以色列国旗

The house has a lot of furniture ['fɝnɪtʃɚ]  这房子有许多家具    #   furniture   n. 家具;设备;储藏物

The water has a bad taste  这水的味道不好

A dog has four legs. A bird has two legs.  一个狗有四只脚,一只鸟有2只脚

Our school has a library.   我们学校有一个图书馆

We have 37 chairs in our classroom.  我有37把椅子在教室里

My sister has a nice toy car toy  我妹妹有一辆漂亮的玩具车

Come here and have an apple. 过来这里有一个苹果。

Mummy,Can I have a bag? 妈咪,我可以带一个包吗?

They have some roses.  他们有一些玫瑰

We have dinner at seven o'clock  我们在7点钟吃晚餐

She has long hair  她有一头长发

You have a good teacher 你有一个好老师

Everybody has two hands  所有人都有2只手

I have a model plane. 我有一架模型飞机

Students have many books 学生们有许多书


Does Anyone Want a Nice Clean Plate? 有人想要一个漂亮的干净盘子吗?

Peter was ten years old.One day his friend Paul said to him,"I'm going to have a birthday party on Saturday, Peter. Can you come?"


Peter asked his mother,and she said,"Yes, you can go." She phoned Paul's mother to tell her.

彼得问他的母亲,她说,“是的,你可以去。” 她打电话给保罗的母亲告诉她。

Before Peter went to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him,"Now,Peter,don't forget to be polite.Don't ask for food.Wait until someone gives it to you."


“All right,Mom” Peter answered, and he went to Paul's house on his bicycle.


There were  a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul's mother gave them some food,but she forgot to give Peter any.


He waited plitely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly. "Does anyone want a nice clean plate?"

他礼貌地等了几分钟,然后他把盘子放在空中大声说。 “有人想要一块漂亮干净的盘子吗?”

Extra Vocabulary

birthday party 生日聚会

plate 碟子

polite  礼貌的

hold up 举起;阻挡;拦截

loudly  adv. 大声地,响亮地

Teacher Extend:


Topic  主题

break one's words  失信,食言

transportation 交通工具





subway/metro/underground   地铁

pasta 意大利面

add oil 加油

break up with sb 和...分手

make friends  交朋友

increase  knowledge  增长知识

relax myself  放松自己

have <


I'm not shuting you! 我不是在欺骗你!

I go to Beijin to visit The GreatWall by airplane    我乘飞机去北京参观长城    #  句型:  I go to 地点  to do

money doesn't growon tree  # 钱不会长在树上
spend money like water  # 花钱像流水一样

What  do you have ...? 你有什么 ...?

Where do you go live? 你去住哪里

How do you do?  你好吗?/你怎么样

Why  do you learn English?  你为什么学英语?

When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

Who do you live with ?  你跟住 ?

上一篇:Undoing Merges
