1. git clone https://github.com/Mirantis/cloudpipe-image-auto-creation.git
Here is more latest repo for 12.04: https://github.com/laboshinl/cloudpipe-image-auto-creation
2. ./ubuntukickstart.sh
3. Modify ubuntukickstart.sh, delete require of package kvm-pxe (this package is not avaialbe on internet any more. It's for boot from nic).
4. Wait for the installation finish (many ................, but should be finished already)
(here should see domain with "virsh list -all" With status of shutdonw,, but in my box, it is running,do not know why?)
5. Put the environment virables: append followings to /etc/profile
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0/
export EC2_URL=$(keystone catalog --service ec2 | awk '/ publicURL / { print $4 }')
export CREDS=$(keystone ec2-credentials-create)
export EC2_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo "$CREDS" | awk '/ access / { print $4 }')
export EC2_SECRET_KEY=$(echo "$CREDS" | awk '/ secret / { print $4 }')
6. Source /etc/profile
7. glance add name="newmash" is_public=true container_format=ovf disk_format=qcow2 < new_cloudpipe_image.img
8. Access webui of openstack, will see new image.
Root password in rootpasswd.txt