


class CCSprite : public CCNode, public CCNodeRGBA, public CCTextureProtocol




* Creates an empty sprite without texture. You can call setTexture method subsequently.
* @return An empty sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
1.1 static CCSprite* create(); /**
* Creates a sprite with an image filename.
* After creation, the rect of sprite will be the size of the image,
* and the offset will be (0,0).
* @param pszFileName The string which indicates a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png".
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
1.2 static CCSprite* create(const char *pszFileName); /**
* Creates a sprite with an image filename and a rect.
* @param pszFileName The string wich indicates a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png"
* @param rect Only the contents inside rect of pszFileName's texture will be applied for this sprite.
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
1.3 static CCSprite* create(const char *pszFileName, const CCRect& rect); /**
* Creates a sprite with an exsiting texture contained in a CCTexture2D object
* After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0).
* @param pTexture A pointer to a CCTexture2D object.
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
2.1 static CCSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture); /**
* Creates a sprite with a texture and a rect.
* After creation, the offset will be (0,0).
* @param pTexture A pointer to an existing CCTexture2D object.
* You can use a CCTexture2D object for many sprites.
* @param rect Only the contents inside the rect of this texture will be applied for this sprite.
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
2.2 static CCSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect& rect); /**
* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame.
* @param pSpriteFrame A sprite frame which involves a texture and a rect
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
3.1 static CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame); /**
* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame name.
* A CCSpriteFrame will be fetched from the CCSpriteFrameCache by pszSpriteFrameName param.
* If the CCSpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.
* @param pszSpriteFrameName A null terminated string which indicates the sprite frame name.
* @return A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.
3.2 static CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(const char *pszSpriteFrameName);
