现在 java 支持 linq 啦.比原生 stream api 更好用,功能更强大.现已发布 version 1.0.1
地址: https://github.com/timandy/linq.
API of IEnumerable
- where
- select
- selectMany
- take
- takeWhile
- skip
- skipWhile
- join
- groupJoin
- orderBy
- orderByDescending
- groupBy
- concat
- zip
- distinct
- union
- intersect
- except
- reverse
- sequenceEqual
- toArray
- toList
- toMap
- toLookup
- defaultIfEmpty
- ofType
- cast
- first
- firstOrDefault
- last
- lastOrDefault
- single
- singleOrDefault
- elementAt
- elementAtOrDefault
- any
- all
- count
- longCount
- contains
- aggregate
- sum
- min
- max
- average
- leftJoin
- rightJoin
- fullJoin
- crossJoin
- distinctBy
- unionBy
- intersectBy
- exceptBy
- minBy
- maxBy
- append
API of IOrderedEnumerable
- thenBy
- thenByDescending