UWP深入学习五: 传感器与搜索、共享及链接

Responding to motion and orientation sensors:

Quickstart: Responding to user movement with the accelerometer (C#)

Quickstart: Determining angular velocity with the gyrometer (C#)

Quickstart: Determining current heading with the compass (C#)

Quickstart: Determining pitch, roll, and yaw with the inclinometer (C#)

Quickstart: Retrieving the Quaternion and rotation matrix with the orientation sensor (C#)

Quickstart: Determining device orientation with the SimpleOrientation sensor (C#)

Quickstart: Responding to changes in lighting

Quickstart: Detecting a user's location

Maps and directions:

How   to authenticate a Maps app

How   to display maps in the Map control

How   to display pushpins, shapes, and controls on a map

How   to get locations and addresses

How   to get and display routes and directions

How   to overlay tiled images on a map

How   to download and update offline maps

How   to display maps and directions in the built-in Maps app

How   to request driving or walking directions from another app

How   to respond to requests for directions from another app

URI   scheme for the Windows Maps app


Quickstart: Integrating with file picker contracts

Adding Share

Proximity and tapping

Streaming media to devices using Play To

Adding support for networking:

How   to set network capabilities

How   to secure connections and authenticate requests

How   to use data caching during network operations

Stay   connected in the background

Handling   exceptions in network apps

Troubleshooting   and debugging network connections

上一篇:译: 5. RabbitMQ Spring AMQP 之 Topic 主题

下一篇:CocoaPods -- ios项目中安装和使用CocoaPods