scala工程导入报错:scalatest_2.10-1.9.1.jar is cross-compiled with an incompatible version of Scala (2.10).


The Scala IDE tries to check if binary incompatible Scala libraries have been inadvertently mixed in a project’s classpath. It works by extracting, from the name of the jars, which major version of Scala it has been compiled against (assuming the Scala convention for publishing cross-compiled libraries, and further assuming that Scala minor releases are binary compatible). If the extracted Scala major version doesn’t match the one bundled with the Scala IDE, a problem is reported. This ad-hoc validation prevents one of the most common reason for compiler crashes and lack of intelligent behavior in the Scala IDE.



进入到windows->preferens->scala compiler->preference->Build manager->withVersionClasspathValidator 勾选去掉

右键点击项目 -》scala->Add Scala Libarary To Build Path即可

如果还有错,右击项目->Properties->scala compiler->Build Manager->withVersionClasspathValiadator 取消


If this check returns a false-negative, it can be disabled at the workspace level, or at the project level. The setting is withVersionClasspathValidator in the Scala → Compiler → Build Manager preference section.

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